flying horse

  1. 2

    BBR Tuning 49cc friction drive on a foldable bike

    I am aware it has been done but the post about it on this site was with a Staton kit. That’s more expensive and not on amazon. Would it be possible to install it and it still be foldable? Engine kit on amazon...
  2. Degoragon

    Generic "No Name" Ebay/Amazon engine kits. Anyone use them?

    I Have noticed a lot of the people on this forum seem to buy a certain "Name Brand" (GruBee, Flying Horse, RAW, Zeda, BBR, Golden Eagle, DAX, etc) and roll with it. I was wondering, has anyone here bought one of the cheap, generic kits you can find on eBay, Amazon, Wish, etc. ? If so, how is...
  3. U

    Questions...Bought a used 49cc 4 stroke kit

    Ok so I'm new to this but have been repairing and tinkering with stuff for years and I'd say I'm mechanically inclined. Picked up this kit, originally meant for a frame mount, from a guy on Craigslist for $80. I am trying to figure out which make/model kit I have here, any pro's & cons of this...
  4. A

    First build- extreme loss of power/four stroking only under load

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to get another opinion on the issue my motorized bike is having. This is a chinese 80/66 cc "flying horse" engine and is my first build. It didn't take me too long to get it up and running, and for the first few months (despite some minor troubles to work out) it...
  5. O

    Bottom gasket...wth?

    I got a flying horse 66cc motor about a year ago, magneto coil went twice, just got it running again...before the mag went I had to cut out two bottom gaskets to raise the jug up enough to keep the piston from slapping the head...I just got new gaskets, I thought maybe the gasket was meant to be...
  6. T

    Mega Motors 66/80 Vs Flying Horse 66/80 Kit

    What would be the best choice between these 2 motors? I've decided to go with CD instead of FD, but now which kit...:-||
  7. A

    Best brand of 80cc Bicycle Engine?

    I am looking for an 80cc bicycle engine kit online for around $200 - $250. I have seen many brands of engines with kit that all look identical. Some of the engines ive seen are: -SD Stinger -Grubee -Mega Motors -Flying Horse The engine needs to be EPA approved, and something that will...