
  1. P

    SMALL FRAME!!! I've already bought the thing! 1st BUILD HELP :(

    So I planned on whacking a 2 stroke engine kit from eBay onto a push bike and couldnt find any decent hybrid bikes in my area. I walked into a well known local bike shop and fell in love with one recommended by the owner - A Python Quantom 8000 Men's hybrid bike. I fell in love and purchased on...
  2. Paddy

    China dolphin harbour a80 (62cc) CDI REPLACEMENT

    Hi guys, having trouble with my engine its a china dolphin harbour a80 (62cc). I have ruled any other causes and found the problem to be the CDI. Anybody know any good replacements and what price range im looking at? Thanks!
  3. Das Chicken

    Leaking exhaust gasket

    My 48/49cc two stroke HT engine's exhaust gasket is leaking. The whole front end of the engine is saturated in oil (not the top though). Whats rust? It even decided that it would be a good idea to spray scalding oil on my leg (felt like a bee sting). I am using a self port-matched METAL gasket...