cdi issues

  1. B

    Genuinely disturbing piston behavior

    Howdy folks, This is the third thread I've started about building this same bike which simply refuses to run at every corner (the others can be found here and here). After a substantial delay waiting for my new CDI and spark plug to arrive (grabbed both because a new plug was inexpensive)...
  2. B

    No spark! Need help. First time builder!

    Hey guys, so I'm still working on my first build and I'm pretty much done. The only problem is that I cannot get a spark to save my life. I've used an OHM meter to test every electrical component from the magneto to the boot to the CDI, ETC. I even took apart the magnet and realized I didn't...
  3. T

    CDI Cracked

    Quick question: I relocated the CDI on my bike, and when I tightened it up with the provided clamp, I over-tightened it and unwittingly cracked both sides of the body (black box) of the CDI slightly - not huge cracks, but definitely cracks - and when I loosened the bolts, the cracks mostly...
  4. J

    Damaged cdi??

    Motor has been running fine for a month. Replaced clutch pads and installed back sprocket adapter. In the process I disconnected the cdi to reroute wires. When I reconnected it I hooked blue to black and black to blue. I noticed the problem after trying to start 2 times. Switched the wires...