76mm/78mm 3.1:1 gearbox


Active Member
I bought this gear box from monsterscooterparts.com. It is small. That's a 16 totth freewheel in the pixs for comparison. I'm not familiar with this type of box but it came with a mount,but not the bolts. But they should be 10mm bolts,or whatever the shaft bolt is,as it screws right in those holes. Placed the order Monday night around 11:00PM and received it today,thursday. The packing job was also A+! I will post a review and more pics of the guts later.


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I think the mount alone was d@mn near worth the price. Should be getting the bike fir it next weekend,week after,then its time to find a motor. Probably still buy a tanaka 40cc though. I like blue,chrome,and black so the aftermarket parts are a plus for me with the tanaka.

And didn't you and a few others say that engine was great?
d gizzle,
IMHO, the Tanaka 40cc is the best engine currently on the market for our little hobby. I also run a Tanaka 47r & Tanaka 32cc for reference.
The stock canister muffler is a bit noisy & doesnt allow the engine to 'sing' @ the higher rpm powerband, but that is easily fixed with an aftermarket pipe. I am currently using a stock Chinagirl poo-poo pipe & its super quiet & better at high rpm's than stock. I also have a pocket bike expansion chamber that works better at high rpm's but not as quiet.
Zenoah used to produce & sell the G43 made very popular on the GSR40 Goped & it too has a reputation of greatness.
It just so happens I have a 2 stroke stock pipe already in my possession. How about the air filter? I found a blue one on the bay that would like real nice on that motor. Maybe a link to the pipe? It might not work cuz now this thing is defenitly going in a frame. Is so small it could go in some of the 16" kids frames I got. I will post some new ideas in s few days,based after your conversion from bmx to gas scooter.
Here's an idea I had for a sweet strong frame to start with.
Heres a link to the pipe I'm using now, but I wrapped mine with black header tape.
I rode the 'bike frame to scooter' project a bunch last week with a stage2 Cag engine (4.5 hp) & it handles better than the Bladez & 'electric to gas scooter' conversions.
I'm thinking the front shock fork helps alot as does the no flex BMX handlebars...
Regular scooters have that long flexible pole.
I see...
I installed the Tanaka 40cc I had on a motorized DH bike onto the new scooter just to see how it would perform.
Holy Carp!
This thing is so awesome with that engine.
I left the poo-poo pipe on & its as quiet as a lamb.
The 'scooter from bike' handles better than my other 3 scooters & its got me thinking why a manufacturer hasnt gone this route in the past?
Goped, Bladez & the Evo all follow the same basic layout.
Nah, I wont be going into business anytime soon...just thinking
I would gladly be a guinea pig! My wife too,she's easier on them than me. I have a couple friends interested in 20" bmx frames. And I have plenty to choose from.
Ok,so I took it apart. I haven't had one of these before but it looks/feels well made. It does have a d-bore sprocket,let's hope the one I order fits. Not sure but it will probably whine due to the mesh(?) gears. Had grease in it,all the bearings look in place & new. But now I realize,this drives out of the left side! That was why I have been on and on about the staton boxes. Sooooooo.......I guess time to reconfigure my drive system. I wanted to do some type of crank shift but now looks like its going straight to the rear wheel! Oh well,that's what got me into this in the first place,the possibilities!

I took pics but my phone won't load them. I will try to post them later.
d gizzle, so this gearbox does not reverse engine rotation? That'd be good to either drive the left rear sprocket OR use a jackshaft to transmit power to the right side.
After looking at the Powerkart go karts this are used on it doesn't appear to. I will be getting a motor for this shortly so I will post whatever happens. I need to get my other project finished first tho.....
After looking at the Powerkart go karts this are used on it doesn't appear to. I will be getting a motor for this shortly so I will post whatever happens. I need to get my other project finished first tho.....
If you have the gearbox simply turning the clutch bell as if powered
by a CCW motor will tell you in a millisecond which way the gearbox turns.

Counting the rotations will tell you what ratio it is.
It turns both direction when you turn the clutch bell. First thing I checked.

Thanks for your help.........

No need for an edit.
It turns both direction when you turn the clutch bell. First thing I checked.

Thanks for your help.........

No need for an edit.
Listen carefully of course it turns both ways but your motor will ONLY be turning the gearbox CCW
unless you have a very rare CW motor.
get it?
It was got. I said thanks. And all I need is a Staton gearbox,which I will be getting a little later. Thank you again. I can even go one better.
On which gear box? Staton has the axle mount gearbox hooked to a tanaka 40cc engine driving the left side of the wheel. Just for one reference.

Side note:Does the huasheng taper shaft engine have the same bolt pattern as the tanaka? If so,flip it around and drive it through the pedals with a staton box. Maybe?