Hi, I added a new hydraulic fork, front moped hub, hydraulic disc brake, headlight, turn signals, rear moped hub, rear mechanical disc brake, White trial freewheel and tail/brake light. Most of of my parts came from 1977 Mopeds https://www.1977mopeds.com/parts/Wheels-and-Tires/BRAH/Brake-Hubs/ or Treatland peugeot SP SPX chopper length EBR black hydraulic forks. The rear hub is a Puch moped with the drum brake removed and turned upside down. I mounted the disc on the freewheel spindle using a disc converter fom US CYCLES Disc Brake Rotor Converter - Cycles U.S. LLC/Choppers U.S.. The sprocket mounts to the hub with six bolts. The mechanical brake is for a go kart. The rotor is from a scooter. It had an offset center with four bolts but had the brake pad surface width I needed. The bicycle rotors pad surface is too narrow. The boys at RMS Royster's Machine Shop, locally, cut the center out and welded in a center from a bicycle rotor so I could mount it to the converter. The caliper floats in its own mounting bracket so it is always inline. I have a little forward and backward adjustment with the disc pad surface being a little wider than the pads. I am using a green trial freewheel from White Industries on the jackshaft since I dont have one on the hub. The trial freewheel is holding well so far. It is a beefed up version with more pawls(6) and points(72) of contact. It has beefier bearings as well. I had a blue freewheel fom White just explode once. I originally had a freewheel and sprocket on the hub and used the drum brake. The brake wasn't very good and the freewheel/sprocket twisted off.
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