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  • Hi dan
    Been a while since last post[two years!!]
    Since home now figured i have time for build,
    All done except for seat, need to lower and set back seat ,where can i get a bracket for upper frame arm want to put bracket around frame then make piece to go up to seat lkke I've seen others do. dont have a welder to use to weld one on frame.
    Thanks bill
    Bacon chain bit the dust right after this message
    Hi there. Help should be given to a 48mm piston sleeve cylinder and there is a problem that the piston comes out of the cylinder or 3-4 mm the crankshaft with the ue 80 words which crankshaft or cranks should bring
    Can someone help me out I bought an expansion chamber a high compression head high-performance spark plug the high-performance CNS Carburetor in the 36 tooth sprocket yet the bike will not break 30 miles an hour can someone anyone please help me and tell me why
    Hey Monkey! How the heck you been? was wondering where you got off to and if all was well.
    I didn't realize it was your birthday, Happy Belated Birthday Dan, may you live to see and celebrate many more
    Good morning Dan, I can't find it on the forum so I'm turning to you or anyone you can point me to. I'm trying to buy a clam shell for my schwinn point beach 7 speed but i can't get the correct size measurement. I don't have calipers and the string method bike berry suggested doesn't seem right when i calculated it
    Happy Birthday! ( you'll start getting AARP stuff soon)
    Vinni The Pooch
    Vinni The Pooch
    I have a lifetime AARP since 51 years old, the discount's HAVE been noteworthy!
    Will U be having a ride this season. If so post as soon as u can, so people can start looking forward to it.
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