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  • Here in Des Plaines!
    I know there are not a lot of MB's around.
    We should get a ride put together this spring!
    Hi TB- looks like you may not have gotten my other message- don't see it here

    if you still have that speed carb- will you take a personal check- you could wait for it to clear- hate to send cash and don't know where to get money order-

    it looks like it doesn't have the top- ??
    Is there still a slide needle and does it function OK otherwise?

    Hey TB- I'd probably take that Speed carb off your hands- what about payment- do you do paypal?
    Also the heads- How much? and are they 6 or 8mm studs- or is there a difference with heads?
    Awe **** i didnt catch this message in time... let me know if theres another one soon, or we can make one up before it snows lol... in like 15-20 min north of chicago (car time)
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