Bad Occ Chopper Made

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Hi all, My name is Terron. I have a Schwinn Occ Chopper, moped I have made. I will post Pics as soon as I can but I'm at work right now. Once I do I just want Feedback, but I'll start by Breaking Down what I've done. I have a 80cc (Probably 65-75 cc actually) motor running premium non methanol fuel, which I mix up with 2 stroke racing oil.I have a fully customized adjustable Motor Mount (You guys might wanna try this) It has a pull bolt mounted up front so you can wrench the motor forward or backwards to adjust for tension and a Locking bolt towards the back which must be loosed before wrenching on the pull bolt. It has two "U" plates under that for the sliding mechanism. I also have Vibration isolators between the two to minimize Vibration throughout the bike. I have slightly modified one of Barry's thunder pipes to fit where I need it. I have also Modified a 18spd derailer (Rear) to use as a Tensioner which results in a much more reliable ride. I am now working on a fully custom color scheme of Red and Black with custom snake skin accents throughout. Once I post the pics be sure to let me know what you think of my ride. Thanks all and best of Biking luck to anyone who tries!! usflg
I would definitely like to see pics of the motor mount! Just an opinion but I don't think you're gaining anything by using premium fuel.
I would definitely like to see pics of the motor mount! Just an opinion but I don't think you're gaining anything by using premium fuel.

I am gaining I'll explain First I have a much lower Idle speed without warming the motor up. Saves me gas! I hit my powerband twice as fast and I have cooler running temps. Plus with a higher octane the fuel effecienty is improved as well as you have less particulate in the fuel and your motor says cleaner and runs better longer. There is no reason not to run a higher octane accept worry of blowing you rings, rods ect. But it is not that higher powered simply better quality fuel, you get what you pay for even with Gas.
Also the new ethanol based fuels are actually a solvent and it will dissolve crap in you tank and let it through to ruin your carb and cylinder.
Ethanol in fuel will eat rubber components if there is too much, but unless they have upped the content to 25% or more, you have no worries.

Better fuel because it's higher octane? I doubt it, more likely you are getting a higher quality fuel where you buy it, and in all probability ALL the fuel they sell is a good quality.

What brand are you using?
Finally (yes I can go on and on) there is LESS worry of "blowing your rings, rod, ect" due to the fact that higher octane burns slower with less detonation.
That makes no sense Joe. Higher Octane means the fuel contains more of the explosive components Meaning that it ignites easier at a lower temp and combusts more completely and burns out faster. I have built race cars and, I work with Fire and have taken courses on fire behavior. I fully understand higher octane means I'm pretty sure I know this.
Welcome to
Glad to have you here :D

I am interested in seeing your engine mount design for the Schwinn OCC, there are not many out there, and I'm in the market for one for my OCC.

Please post as many pic's as you like.
K sorry it took so long my internet was giving me issues


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What you can't really tell from the Pic is the front pull bolt as it is blocked in the pic by the support brace but it is one 3/8 inch grade 8 steel bolt with a nut on the other side of the brace so you can tighten or loosen for tension, however if you make one of my derailleur mods you probably wouldn't need a movable mount. It was to late for me as I was trying to not use one because all I found was the crappy ones that came with the motor kit, which is a pain in the arse to try and use on the square framing in the rear wheel area.
Well I have no idea what the heck the difference is in the bike engine, but all the car makers tell us that regular is better for small engines. So does my lawnmower maker and the weed eater folks as well.

The high octane makes the fuel a little more expensive but it is a case of you don't always get what you pay for. If you truly believe that, I have a very nice crown graflex camera that is worth about 200 bucks that I will sell you galdly as a real antique for about 5000 bucks. It might have even been used by Weston or one of those guys it was around during their heyday.

message me for my pay pal account.
Ethanol in fuel will eat rubber components if there is too much, but unless they have upped the content to 25% or more, you have no worries.

Better fuel because it's higher octane? I doubt it, more likely you are getting a higher quality fuel where you buy it, and in all probability ALL the fuel they sell is a good quality.

What brand are you using?

all gasoline sealing rubber products since the 1980's are ethanol friendly and won't hurt a thing... 10% ethanol gasoline mix has been around since the 70's.. this goes for common stuff, I don't know about the china engines, but I know if you go to the parts store for fuel hose or a carb kit, it's ethanol compliant
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That makes no sense Joe. Higher Octane means the fuel contains more of the explosive components Meaning that it ignites easier at a lower temp and combusts more completely and burns out faster. I have built race cars and, I work with Fire and have taken courses on fire behavior. I fully understand higher octane means I'm pretty sure I know this.

Sorry, but your totally wrong..

if you run 87 octane on a race motor that is 12:1 compression, it's gonna rattle into peices and burn holes in the pistions from so much detonation... this is because the 87 octane is more unstable at higher cylinder temps ( it is more prone to ignite from heat and compression, rather than spark ).. octane does not add more " explosive components ", it lowers the tendency to ignite from heat and compression... really a 12:1 engine will need around 110 octane

of course if you built race cars, you would know that... I'v got a few years experience in hotrodding, built a hot turbocharged falcon 6, among other things.. I don't claim to be an expert, but I do know I'm right
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BTW I'm trying to be argumentative, but I thought I had a good understanding of all this correct me if I'm wrong.

Have any of you ever taken apart a car? Premium gas gets half the build up as any other gasoline, also you can feel a difference, and it's not just extra oxygen in gas. Octane is the explosive component, and potential. Meaning it more explosive! Big surprise, there's no conspiracy going on that premium gas is regular gas and they just mark it up. At least not where I come from, I'm from Oregon. Full of tree's and loggers and masters of the small engine beyond what any of you think you know. Here try this Go to the store and buy some 80% rubbing alchohol, then buy some 90% rubbing alchohol. Put the alchohol into separate glass pyrex dishes (DO NOT MOVE THE PYREX DISH ONCE THE FLAME IS IGNITED!! IT WILL BREAK MORE OFTEN THEN NOT! THEN THERE WILL BE FIRE WHERE YOU DONT WANT IT!!) Then light it on fire, watch the speed in the ignition and the burnout compared between the two, then see what is leftover when they are done burning. The 90% with damn near blow up in your face where the 80% will give you a decent amount of reaction time. Also the 90% will leave almost nothing behind and the 80% will leave behind a standing pool of liquid and contaminants. The exact same applies with fuel, I can't believe I got flamed like this you guys need to do some basic science courses before you talk ****. + Methanol disolves clays and other contaminants built up in your gas take which passes through your filter and makes a hard water type build up on you ports which is detrimental to small engine carbs.
Matt167 you are exactly correct! Low Octane gas will ignite sooner with less control causing pinging and pre ignition and detonation. Now high octane gas is needed to prevent those conditions in High compression engines especially with high advance curves. In order to avoid those conditions it stands to reason that High Octane gas has to be actually less explosive all things being equal in fact actually more controlled. The analogy to 80% and 90% alcohol has nothing to do with octane and proves nothing. As far as oxygen in the gas I assume that means the mixture created by the carb or the injector. It is the maximum amount of mixture allowed to enter the cylinder by the intake system and allowable compression ratio without pre ignition, or detonation that results in the power produced. Higher Octane allows for that higher parameter.
You might want to read this before you accuse anyone of talking ****

In most of the U.S., regular gas has an octane rating of 87, midgrade gas is 89, and premium is 91 or 92. (Octane ratings are lower in the mountain west due to the effects of thin air on internal combustion.) Contrary to widespread belief, the octane rating doesn't indicate how much power the fuel delivers; all grades of gasoline contain roughly the same amount of heat energy. Rather, a higher octane rating means the fuel is less likely to cause your engine to knock or ping. Knock, also known as detonation, occurs when part of the fuel-air mixture in one or more of your car's cylinders ignites spontaneously due to compression, independent of the combustion initiated by the spark plug. (The ideal gas law tells us that a gas heats up when compressed.) Instead of a controlled burn, you get what amounts to an explosion--not a good thing for your engine. To avoid this, high-octane gas is formulated to burn slower than regular, making it less likely to ignite without benefit of spark.
Also try this fill up with premium instead of your watered down crap after a month or so you will spend damn near the same amount on gas, however you will fill up less. Higher Octane= more explosive potential=more power=better gas mileage because you get through your lower gears faster. Simple, same applies in all internal combustion engine two stroke small or large engine it matters not. Gas companies would have you believe whatever so they can sell more watered down gas, they do not have your best interests in mind friends. They care only about the almighty dollar! Ya wanna act like I'm the one believing their BS? You astound me? Is this all I'm to experience on this site flaming by idiots who think they know more than someone who simply wanted to show people my project? Or can I actually get an intelligent conversation here?
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