I've ridden scooters and cycles for almost 60 years and built many custom motorcycles along that path & not known of a single fender failure. Good materials and design eliminate the problem, but on bicycles it's a tragically common occurrence. I build mostly board track/flat track classic styles & don't run fenders on any of my builds, but those who do are wise to use heavy gauge steel sheet and custom shop built fittings with quality fasteners. There's a lot of vibrations going on with most of these small engines, suggested word of warning don't use any rubber on motor mounts in an attempt to lessen vibration, and not a lot of frame to dampen with so re-enforced sheet metal at each sheet metal to strut location and main fender to fork junction is also good a good design precaution as well. It's not rocket science just time consuming, with most classic style suspension forks especially. If you run mountain bike suspension forks or just solid forks then the task of mounting a fender is relatively quite simple when good materials are selected.
The greatest danger of running fenders on bicycles is in the builder/operator not knowing how potentially dangerous they can be and the catastrophic results of fender to tire lockup.
Rick C.