heads and cylinders after 3000 miles

javy mcdees

Active Member
did a check up on my engine I built just to make sure all is good. looks like I did a good job, I ride 80 mile commutes 3x a week and ride a minimum of 10 miles a day.


Most miles are using 50:1 AMSOIL Dominator, just started using AMSOIL Saber mixed at 100:1 for the last 300 miles. gues there is no need to change anything.


Finally, another “real” rider.... you got balls to trust it for 80mi trips... never commuted that far even in a car. Many times would end up on a 80-120mi day trip just leaving the house to buy a soda at the corner store :D
Finally, another “real” rider.... you got balls to trust it for 80mi trips... never commuted that far even in a car. Many times would end up on a 80-120mi day trip just leaving the house to buy a soda at the corner store :D
I would not reach for a soda 1 foot away unless the toilet is that close to me.
no pics yet, too lazy but I spent the day porting a new steel liner that I had honed to fit the piston and installed on my bike a few hours ago and went out to celebrate my b-day and the liner slid down the hole and made me pedal back home about 5 miles. already put the pictured above cylinder back on with the new rings I just should of done in the first place but of well! the whole time pedaling back I thought the piston was starting to sieze up but nope some 4 year old in china was on his first day on the job trianing and sent me a DUD. pics later.
I had a great idea yesterday Javy that took a couple of hours to fab and today I'll spend a few hours making something that will actually work! It happens...….lol

Rick C.
My bike has been silent for two days ran fine last time out but I was almost injured by some folks driving down the road upset and probably drunk. Plus the rain has been non stop, today so far the sun is out and I see blue sky.
Took it out last night it would not start till I checked for spark as I was trying to start it yep it had spark then it started to fire and it finally lit off, the choke is so annoying on my carb I have to get off bike fumble around to pull it up and most of the time I do not need it. Strange, when I first bought carb with larger jetting the choke would work like normal then after time the engine would lite off without choke, then I leaned out the pilot and main and normally starts without choke. From what I read if a Dellorto starts fine no choke you can go leaner on pilot jetting. anyway got the bike running and it sputtered coughed backfired most of the ride about 15 miles round trip, had to slip clutch to keep it going must of got water in the gas tank or pilot jet got trash in it. Everyday something new with motorized bicycle. been a real bad 3 weeks for me. Least I have plants growing food at home I scavange. picture shows root cause of loss of power after about 2500 miles worth.
What engine are you using?
High pin piston with gt5 style jug and at the moment that mo fo wont run worth a
What engine are you using?
one I built using a high pin piston and crank set-up but about 10 days ago it caught a flu and it just wont run past half speed now. been chasing bugs but no luck yet. what a pain in dee azz it has become. ran great for months. still gotta buy a new plug, could be as simple as that. starts and runs up to half speed just fine but at that speed it makes a noise I never heard before and just coughs spits and sputters at wot, changed main jet and needle and the needle made a difference but still is crap.