Throttle handles

jeff henson

New Member
Does anyone have any experience with CNC aluminium throttle handles and will they work for motorized bicycles, or just motorcycles? Also what are some good throttle handles if not CNC? The standard one that came with my kit is crap. The plastic parts inside of it are shattered. Not even 2 weeks old. Any help would be appreciated.
plastic ones are not overly strong, but any failures are always due to operator error - after trashing then replacing the plastic parts, I often see those guys breaking the cable itself
My cnc twist grip has a pulley on a bearing so the cable exits towards my stem, giving it a bit of a cleaner look. No issues for over a year.
plastic ones are not overly strong, but any failures are always due to operator error - after trashing then replacing the plastic parts, I often see those guys breaking the cable itself
I trashed the stock kit throttles because they're junk. Loose fitting, the cable wears away the plastic (if the brittle crap doesn't break first) and they're molded really bad. And the bolts strip. And the plastic chunk that you have to drill your bars out for breaks off. And the kill switch wires short out, unsolder themselves, or don't work at all fresh off the boat.

The only "operator error" I see, is the operator at the factory in china who throws these crappy toy throttles into the box.
sounds like the operator error here is stripping those bolts which lets the whole thing turn on the bars if it is yanked way too hard

if the nuts for those bolts don't get lost, then I have never seen a problem with those bolts

the nylon in the grip works fine if the cable isn't pinched somewhere and the rider stops twisting it when it gets to full throttle

I do see a lot of guys break the plastic stops at the idle position, but they are just trying to push the throttle closed rather than letting it close itself (usually due to bad idle adjustment or air leak at carb)
Iv been using the same stock crappy plastic throttle handle and cable on 3 different bikes. Im' on my 3rd motor with the same throttle handle. I understand that the bolts do strip very easy but there is no reason to tighten those bolts that tight. Just enough so that the whole assembly doesn't move when you twist the throttle.
old thread bump.. Track down an older, small MX motorcycle twist grip at a cycle junkyard. Older Suzuki TM and RM throttles are remarkably nice and free turning, some of these also come with a kill switch.