Greetings from Richmond Virginia


New Member
Hey folks!
After many years lusting after the various motorized bicycles I've seen on the internets, 8ve finally have built my own answer having a grand time.
I'm currently negotiating Virginias rather nebulas laws to get my MB fully street legal.

I'm a craft brewer by advocation, the packaging specialist for Virginia's oldest craft brewery. That pretty much meens I am the chief bottle washer.
Welcome to the forum. It's a rule here that new members buy the beer and it sounds like you're just the guy.

Seriously, we're glad you've joined us. Have fun and please, ride safe.

Welcome to the forum. It's a rule here that new members buy the beer and it sounds like you're just the guy.

Seriously, we're glad you've joined us. Have fun and please, ride safe.


heck, I can just bring the beer!
thank you for the welcome

im on my first build and having a blast!
Hey buddy, One of my hats is "packaging engineer" sometimes the job evolves being the scapegoat. Motorized bicycling is a good distraction.
Hey buddy, One of my hats is "packaging engineer" sometimes the job evolves being the scapegoat. Motorized bicycling is a good distraction.

I hear that.. after a rough afternoon it was nice to get home, hop on the bike and turn it all off...

until, of course I threw the master link on the drive chain, peddle back, install a new link on the chain and start all over!

as far as I'm concerned, fixing things is part of the hobby, any hobby like this.

and it was nice to have that as my worry, and not the other crap I was worried about.