Road bikes?


New Member
Has anyone put a kit on a road bike, like a light weight one with skinny tires? I want to put a kit on a nice one, but I'm wondering if the skinny tires aren't strong enough, or for some other reason it would be too much for the bike to handle. Any input guys?
To be honest I have no idea. I bought a three speed with skinny tires and a steel frame. I put an electric motor on it and rode it through the bike trail a couple of times and decided not to do it. I put bigger tires on it and converted it to a cruiser.

The bike was pretty unstable for me. I don't have a lot of balance and the road is pretty awful around here. The small pot holes and bumps in the pavement threw me all over the road.

I wise I could be more helpful.
I'm currently using a vintage road/comfort bike with a heavy steel frame and skinny tires. I think it looks sweet. It is a rough ride but seems to be pretty fast, here are some pics.


I'm currently using a vintage road/comfort bike with a heavy steel frame and skinny tires. I think it looks sweet. It is a rough ride but seems to be pretty fast, here are some pics.



I agree with you....sweet ride. :D

Any problems with flat tires?
I run 1.9 on a cruiser and yes they are plenty wide I think. It was the 1 3/8 english 3speed tires that threw me all over the road.
Mine's mounted on a 12 speed bike. Both hands on the bars at all times!! Vibrates like mad!! Not the most comfortable thing to ride.