Need Advise On New Build?


scratg ok, i am going to build me a new bike. i have built several mid mount HT bikes in the past. i built some friction drives and i like them but i realy like the mid mount types better. more power! i need some advise on the latest advancements that have come out. i have been reading "creative enginering" post. i have to give it to you guys. ya'll do some good work. every HT BUILD HAD THERE ISSUSES. MAINLY VIRATION AT HIGH SPEEDS. DOES A LARGER SPROCKET ON THE REAR HELP? (sry about caps) every one i ever had leaked gas out the bowl, around the peecock. bad rear sprocket mount design.also, what is the verdict on the sick bike jackshaft. also, what does the new clutch form creative enginering do? where do i need to order my HT kit form for the best set-up? i hope this is not to many questions. if anyone wants to buy some 35cc honda friction drives i still have some for sale.(lol!) thanks for everyone's time.

As far as I know there haven't really been any improvments to the basic kits. Some are better than others, (service after the sale/quality). I haven't been able to pin down a definitive factory/wholesaler combo that is hands down tops.

As far as the sprocket goes...I think the idea is to "reduce" the tooth count in order to achieve the same speed at a lower RPM. The lower RPM = less engine vibration.

Glad you like the stuff I'm doing! I'm working on making an installation kit for these engines that will give the buyer everything needed to do a proper install whithout having to "Rig" anything. Mechanical aptitude will still be required.

Some of these kits, (not all), have a very heavy clutch handle action...In other words, once installed the handle is abnormally difficult to squeeze. My kit elliminates this problem. If you install your engine and the clutch is really stiff even after it is adjusted my kit and be done with it. When they are off, they are off, and no amount of fiddling is truly going to fix it.

Leaks- Unscrew the petcock, and goober it up with some Seal-All, or teflon tape.
If the float bowl leaks, it's likely the float is adjusted wrong, and it's nearly always overflowing. You can remove it and after checking the float level, use some of the Seal-All on the bowl gasket. Let it dry overnight before filling it up with gas again.

The jackshaft kit (though I don't own one) has never had a bad word said about it, and in fact quite the opposite.

Having said that, I will add this- It allows you to take off like a "regular motorcycle" in lower gears, and if your engine is running right, you will see a slight increase in top end as well.

Keep in mind that gearing up will only allow so uch extra speed, which is limited by three major factors-
1. Gross weight.
2. Total frontal area (wind resistance).
3. Total horsepower can't get 2-3 hp to go much faster than 40 mph.
thats interesting about the jackshaft. seems like your top speed would increase dramatically.but, come to think of it ....the highest gear on your bike is about the same size as the sprocket that comes with the kit. Hmmm? so, really all your gaining with the jackshaft is torgue. but, probably you wound't have to use all your gears to take off from a standstill. because those little 80cc will almost take off anyway.. wee.
thats interesting about the jackshaft. seems like your top speed would increase dramatically.but, come to think of it ....the highest gear on your bike is about the same size as the sprocket that comes with the kit. Hmmm? so, really all your gaining with the jackshaft is torgue. but, probably you wound't have to use all your gears to take off from a standstill. because those little 80cc will almost take off anyway.. wee.

You're gaining a "HUGE" amount of versatility with the shift kit, especially if you ride in a hilly area. These engines unmodified only produce 3 +/- horsepower. The ability to downshift makes the kit! With the available HP no amount of gearing is going to make you go faster after a certain point.
