have you used bikeberry.com or enginesonlineshop.com


New Member
I have never used either of these companies have anyone used ether of them and are they any good?

Do they stand behind there product?
Do they have good customer service.

Also if anyone has a discount code for either site please please email it to me
I would much prefer to order from bikeberry.com but the 4 stroke kit I want is $350.00 witch is my whole pay just to buy the kit the shipping is simple more than I have I need the kit to get to and from and really do not wont to have to wait anothe month over $25.00-$35.00, so any one with even free shipping through bikeberry.com I would be greatfull..trkcvlt1auflg.cs.
bike berry has kinda bad rap on customer service. ive also heard there shipping cost are high. theres one guy on here that ordered a engine from them, it was broken when he recived it. he tried emailing them without a responce for a while. then when he finally got a hold of them, they offered to replace the engine. but then sent him another broken engine.

heres the video he made explaning what happendhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1x_y1JSUNU
I purchased my Four Stroke Kit from them. I stoped by their place of business to pick it up on my way home from the desert. I have the kit installed and have a few miles on the cycle. all went well. I was a little disappointed that the Idler Pulley did not have a bearing. I have since ordered one with a bearing and a center kickstand from them. They shipped my last order promptly. I dealt with Amanda, and she was very vell versed on the kit. Hope this helps.

Since they barrowed a picture of my bike for the top banner on this forum I don't use them.If the owner would have just apolagized instead of playing dumb I might be a customer.The problem was they did not ask to use my picture.
I got a two-engine shipment from BikeBerry that was missing the hardware for the rear sprocket. They shipped me a new one within the week so I now have an extra(without hardware.) Both motors still running if that helps.
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I know that there are a few here that have ordered from BikeBerry.com and I believe that they were happy with what they got from them. Don't know if their service with them was good or not.
Bikeberry is bad juju. they own spookytooth and yet hide this fact so that they
can sell bikeberries bad parts on an unsuspecting public.
and I will say it openly, Jack Lin is a crook and I can prove it.
and if what I am saying is wrong then why no response to following post
except to delete it and ban me four times so far
check contact info for both companies
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i dont know about that i think its the place the parts are packed and shiped that are most of the issues so its shame on china i have dealt with bikeberry.com multiple times and they are great to me the sales staff know the products and also ship me what i asked for the one i hate is gasbike.com and there subsidiary company's pistonbikes and kingsmotors (all the same place, same building, same person answers the phone. all useless). which it kills me that there banners are all over this forum for all three. i had nothing but problems with them and there staff who could be replaced by a group of monkeys and productivity and customer satisfaction would skyrocket
Bikeberry is bad juju. they own spookytooth and yet hide this fact so that they
can sell bikeberries bad parts on an unsuspecting public.
and I will say it openly, Jack Lin is a crook and I can prove it.
and if what I am saying is wrong then why no response to following post
except to delete it and ban me four times so far
check contact info for both companies

That's partly because nobody is on the ST site. I used to be a mod there, and I don't even go on it anymore.

It's a dead site, and pointless to post on...
Maybe I can shed some light on this...Once upon a time, I worked for a small furniture store in Ashtabula. It had nowhere near the volume of business that many of these bicycle engine kit sellers have.

They gave terrible service, lied all the time, ripped people off, and their prices weren't even that good.


So, these bike engine sellers that offer no service, don't really care. They just sell to the next guy in line, and there is ALWAYS a next guy in line.
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True enough it's only when the word gets out that their business suffers.
I used to do business with roland, so imagine my surprise when I placed an order and got a receipt from niche webstores aka bikeberry
well I'm not even going to bored you with the three month fight I've been having, lets just say I'm happy with the outcome!!!
and now jack knows you never know when that investigative reporter will show up ( My day job. )
oh and they care when you get your stuff free for breach of contract!

A man that will stab you in the back, deserves nothing, and often gets it!
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ifor the one i hate is gasbike.com and there subsidiary company's pistonbikes and kingsmotors (all the same place, same building, same person answers the phone. all useless).

which it kills me that there banners are all over this forum for all three.

i had nothing but problems with them and there staff who could be replaced by a group of monkeys and productivity and customer satisfaction would skyrocket
Please get your facts straight.
PistonBikes.com is NOT in the same building as Gasbike / KingsMotorbikes,

PistonBikes.com is a separate company with no ties to Gasbike and is run
by 2 great guys Rob and Gregg. They answer the phone, take care of
problems and a lot of us here in SoCal know them from the races.

PistonBikes.com does buy SkyHawk motors from GasBike but that is as far
as the business relationship goes. PistonBikes.com has the only motorized
bicycle storefront that is open to the public in Simi Valley quite a few miles
north of gasBike in Van Nuys.
ok i heard they where the same guys and there website is almost identical which didnt help. i dealt with gasbike and kingsmotors which both are useless and heard that pistonbikes was the same company. sorry i just stayed clear from experiance with the other two.
I buy on eBay, ever since gasbike ripped me off for $45. At least eBay has buyer protection, something other vendor websites dont offer.
I got a kit from Bikeberry.com and I can say they really stand behind what that sell
I had a few minor problems but BB came through (The main problem was the carb would leak gas out of it when you turned the gas on After Turing the float and a few other thing BB sent me a replacement carb), and it was a better carb then the original carb was.
I have has the kit for 2 month now and I ride it almost daily and I'm 100 % happy.
I'm so glad boygofast tried to rip me off thanks to eBay he did not but thanks to boygofast I found this site and found bikeberry.com a place that care about there customers,
bikeberry sucks! thats it. do not use them i wasted my money. my story. i got an 80cc motor. FIRST OFF. the video that came with it installs a motor that doesnt even look like mine. so i read the manuel.... also NOT FOR MY MOTOR. i set it up like i read. and had alot of help from people on this site.... gearnut..... wingnut.... bikerjoe i think.... but it was ****. my clutch lever was sent bent! 90 degree bend so no chain gaurd due to the position it must sit at. also during the first week of fine tuning and cursing the lord for my choice. i would call them from time to time and each chump who would talk to me refered me to a youtube video of how to adjust my clutch! after yelling at a man and asking for someone who has worked on one and knows about the motor instead of a person paid to search google while i was waiting.... he responded by haning up on me..... later i got a call from his BOSS ASKING IF I CAN USE MORE PROFESSIONAL LANGUAGE or he could not help and to call his direct line due to the amount of people i went threw for help.... he didnt know how to help either......ME" so it starts but dies..... i give it gas and it dies. cant get her to stay on....." HIM THE BOSS MAN" well did you release the clutch slower?" DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH BIKEBERRY .... more like turn your bike into BIKEVERRY****TY