Q-Matic for Harbor Freight motor

Hi everyone,

As many are aware the Q-Matic is available to fit many motors including the HF 79 CC motor. The Q-Matic has been tested on the 79 CC HF motor and worked 100%. We tested the drive system last year, and many rode the proto-types at Lewes, DE.

EZM will assemble a special assortment of the Q-Matic kit for the HF motor.

Kit "HFA" will only include the Q-Matic drive.

Kit "HFB" will include the Q-Matic drive and the special tuned flex pipe option to solve the "hot" exhaust pipe issues.

Kit "HFC" will include the Q-Matic; flex exhaust system, & HD #41 rear chain.

All "HF" kits will include a template to allow the drive system to be tilted to fit different bicycle frames.

All "HF" kits can be ordered [no extra charge] with alternate ratios, therefore can be geared low or high depending on rider & terrain. We can set the drives to pull up the side of a building [LOL] or try for the Bonneville top speed record.

The Q-Matic is so well designed [spring loaded idler] that the custom front drive pulley can be exchanged [extra cost] for an adjustable version to allow quick-change ratios.

The Q-Matic can easily handle motors with more torque because of the suspended Max-Torque clutch and the massive drive shaft bearings. During earlier testing we found attaching bearings directly to the drive plate didn't allow enough support to handle many "torquey" 4-stroke motors and ended up with output shafts "tilted" and created extra stress on the bearings, chain, & belts.

By design, the Q-Matic is approx 2" wide, and the MaxTorque [special edition] clutch is located where it is easy to apply lubrication [recommended by Jim at MaxTorque] when needed. By design the Q-Matic does NOT have the MaxTorque clutch mounted on the motor flywheel [shaft is too short on some motors to correctly install the wide MaxTorque clutch], and therefore the belt drive offers some buffering [less vibration & wear].

Normally shipped within 48 hours of order, hopefully in the near future we can reduce the shipping times.

Contact any EZM dealer for more details & prices.

Because of volume purchasing we can offer our drive systems at prices below most, if not all, American companies.

Have fun,


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It would have been nice to have those options when I put a Q-Matic on an HF engine. lol Hopefully I was instrumental in the design of those HF package options. I can't wait for this snow to get the heck out of here. I have other ideas I'm going to try on my HF build. I have a Max Torque belt clutch that I want to put the clutch bell on to the Q-Matic Max Torque clutch. Along with a sheave I have from an now unused Whizzer wheel I hope to make my HF build an all belt drive system. This would be the ultimate in quiet drive. I hate chains although the chain I have on now works well because of the Creative Engineering sprocket adapter. A very worthwhile investment. I highly recommend that part. I will always use one on chain drive projects from now on. No more rag joints for me. Think warm!

Hi Jim,

I would say you were far more than "instrumental" in the development of the Q-Matic and the HF combination. I remember making a couple special proto-type Q-Matic drives [last year], for You, Chris, & Ray D. In fact your input was the determining factor in the rear bearing support angle on the current production drive systems. You, Chris, & Ray were the early pioneers on making the Q-Matic fit optional motors, and like many of our dealers, helped design & test parts to make motorbikes better for all of us.

I also remember your comments about the "warm" exhaust system, and possible ways to re-direct it and avoiding certain "roasted parts" on the human body.

What could possibly better than products designed & tested by real motorbikers?

This post gives us a chance to say "Thank You" for your contributions.

Several dealers have converted to rear belt drive on the Q-Matic, while not as easy as the Silent Power drive, research indicates enough want to consider it that we have had several conversations with MaxTorque over this issue. One of the dealers in AZ [Helmutt] has converted most, if not all of his customers EZ kitted bikes to rear belt drive.

I know another one of our delaers in AZ [AZBill]will sure agree with you about the quality of Creative Engineering's rear chain sprocket system.

Have fun,
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Because of several responses & phone calls, I need to detail the use of the template.

The Q-Matic drive is manufactored to bolt directly to the HS or Honda 49 CC 4-stroke motors.

The bolt pattern is wider and requires slightly larger mounting bolts to fit the HF 79 CC 4-stroke motor.

By design the drive system can be mounted at different angles on different motors. therefore the template will be useful in attaching the drive system in the perfect location to clear any part of the bicycle.

Using the included template will only require drilling a few holes [usually 3 or 4] to align the drive system for proper clearance.

Have fun,
Hi everyone,

Just a quick update concerning the Q-Matic drive & 79 CC Greyhound motor. With the help of Max Torque we have aquired a very limited supply of special "stall speed" springs for the few that might want to climb steep hills with heavier riders [over 275 pounds]. The special Max Torque spring will also cause the clutch to stay connected at a lower RPM to aid in motor braking under 20 MPH.

The special springs are no longer availble in small quantites, and must be ordered in large quanities [expensive]in the future.

EZM will not offer these springs as a seperate item but only as part of the Q-Matic drive system.

Jim at Max Torque has worked with us to design & modify the clutches to work with low RPM motors [HF, B & S, Tech., etc] as well as the high RPM Honda & HS 4 strokes. Thanks to his knowledge the Q-Matic drive works on almost all small CC 4 stroke motors used on motorbikes.

Have fun,
Are these available for the GX200 clones (like the $99 HF 212cc OHV)
The Q Matic will bolt onto any motor with a flat area around
the output shaft which can be 3/4" OD like a HF 212 cc.

The only question with the Q Matic and a HF 212 cc is if the
Q Matic would clear the rear slanting cylinder with its support
bracket and the Max Torque clutch.

I guess a stock HF 212 cc wouldn't play havoc with the V belt?

All the higher powered racers are using chain primary drives now.