and given the run around for about an hour taken to jail bike impounded and a ticket written for not having a license not having it registered and no head light tails lights when i did in fact have a 900 lumen headlight. im in Michigan btw.
so tomorrow im getting a lawyer and and fighting this. ive read the laws and i wasn't breaking any cept for going 30 after going down hill in a 25 >.>. and i was 300 feet from a 35 mph zone when i got pulled over to.
im the third person they've hassled over this the other 2 got the cases thrown outta court and nothing happened. beside having to pay to get the bike outta impound.
I'm glad it turned out better than it seemed at first. I think you could have done better though.
Either there is, or there isn't, law covering gas powered motor bicycles. If there isn't, then the only ticket that was valid was the one for speeding. Even a bicycle can be ticketed for speeding.
Any advise about not fighting a ticket is bogus. I fight all traffic tickets myself. Lawyers usually just want to make a deal and call it good. There's no such thing as thousands of dollars court costs for traffic court lol.
Always assume you're not guilty. If you're not a lawyer you're not qualified to know if you're guilty of anything. Make a jury prove it.
They probably impounded you bike over the no registration ticket. Since the charges were dropped, you could demand you money back.
Most people would be surprised how easy it is to win in traffic court. The hardest ticket to beat is for running a stop sign, so be careful about that.
I'm the second person in history to beat a camera red light traffic ticket in Garland Texas. They crapped their pants when I had the a local TV station in the parking lot waiting to talk about the verdict. I told the world in front of the camera that Garland was illegally ticketing people for millions of dollars, as I held my original check, that they had to return to me, up to the camera. They had to put the city attorney on tv the next day to lie his ass off doing damage control.
I think beating a ticket on a MB would be very easy, as long as it's not for running a stop sign.