Mitsubishi/Staton friction drive


New Member
I bought a TLE43 friction drive kit about a month ago with the 1.25 roller, and would honestly just rather pedal my bike.
I bought it for fun, which it is a lot of fun, but I just like to pedal. :ride:

Anyway, it has less than 1 gallon through it (2 tanks to be specific).
And it carries my 6'2 200 pound frame easily on my Gary Fisher mt. bike.
It has the 1.25 roller, kill switch, lever throttle, and dual supports.

Update 9-10-08: I was asking $425 for it shipped to your door, but I will go as low as $375 shipped to you. I paid almost $500 shipped to me.

Update: I can't seem to attach my pictures of the bike as they're too big, but will happily email them to you.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank you,
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Hi I m interested. Please email me back with pics and you can give me a call 805 636 5768

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
I wasn't updated that I had a response.
I will give you a call in about 15 minutes. It is now 8:42 pm on Monday the 8th, Central Time.
