Personally I like to use pay phones and an old 70s vintage phone handset cradle to connect to the Internet. You have to make sure there's no loud traffic noises that really screw up the connection and it's a might slow but there's something neat about standing there in that little glass booth with your PC with an extension cord running along the ground to the gas station and cars running over it.
Guess I'd better look into joining the 21st century...some day.
Man Tom! Having the worlds biggest reference library (internet) right next to your tools! is purty awesome.
For the first time and I mean 1st time, Carol said she was into the retirement plan of house boat (Dutch sailing barge) I have been looking for a "Phone-booth" Seems so odd some thing like that could be an antech already. (I wanna put on board as an actual phone booth for ,,, well a phone booth)
Ya got me thinking about actual rotary dialing. (LOL, no one under 30 is gonna know what that is. Kids, is old American English and where the ancient word "dial-up" is semi derived from. At one time, you connected to the internet threw the phone. As it connected, your external modem actually dialed a number. It took for ever even though way back then, it was only 7 digits and made a screeching sound)
dang, now I feel old and tired. #^%@ kids.
YouTube - One RingyDingy‏