Performance Crank for Hybred


New Member
After a lifetime of research on the internet i'm wondering if this crank could be adapted to a puch top end in an attemp at the hybred engine. Take a look and see what you think. Looks like the measurements are close to the right size.


After investigating the situation here's the answer to the question.

Yup this crank will fit in certain bicycle engine cases.
So if anyone out there can get us these bottom ends were set.

Grubee Starfire Gen 2 48cc
Grubee Starfire Gen 2-A 58cc
Grubee Starfire Gen 3 super mouse 50cc
Grubee Starfire Gen 3 super rat 70cc

I'd love to get my hands on a Gen 3 Super rat.

Check out the grubee says in the add for these engines that they take 6203 bearings. That crank takes 6203 bearings and i measured the width of a stock crank and it's slightly wider. I believe there is enough room in there.

Then you can run a puch top end kit with a real puch crank........
Ok so now im really surprised.

Looks like the Super Rat is available for purchase.
Thats great news.

Are any of the vendors stocking replacement Cases or Bottom Ends for the super rat specifically?
I seen a rat on Kings.

Not sure if it is a super but it has the 6203 bearings.

I just want the cases so i can drop a 16000 RPM rated crank in it.

Then i'll have a 43 mm stroke and the posibility of a true 80cc engine.
Originally Posted by FlyGuy

Here is a nice crankshaft.

puch moped race crankshaft stuffed


Puch E50 Teflon Stuffed Race Crank Everything Kit for $120.00 in Crankshaft from 1977 Mopeds

Made to be rocked.

The deal is these cranks use 6203 bearings.

The chineese engines use 6202 bearings.

That leaves 2 options.

A) Grubee Starfire Super Rat takes 6203

B) Other Starfire Engines may use 6203 bearings look at grubee site for that info.

C) If cant get any starfire cases then ummmm Machine Custom Cases YA.

We will get to the other good stuff soon.

Originally Posted by Mobike91

so are those cranks a little wide? or will they fit right in? im thinking you have to cutt them down or something. and add a keyway or something to make the crank sprocket fit on it. then on the other side you gotta mill it down and tap it to the right size for the magneto to fit. least thats what im thinking. the crank looks wide. but then again it was a big picture lol.

so the 6203 bearings. will they not fit right in? is it a different size at the crank or in the case? i might be looking into making one of these builds for fun. sounds like a good way to make a bad mobile. lol.

so you said you was gunna run a 70cc piston right? do you think the bottom of the jug will fit into the bottom end of the bike? and will the crank clear the bottom end as well as it swings around?

dont need to answer all the questions. just put some imput. just throwing out questions that might help you in your build
every run is a test run . . . and i just hope it dont blow up - wil

#1 Lets take a look at the width of the crankshafts.
A) Stock Chineese Crank for 66/80cc engines.
1.9625 inches wide ( includes weights.... 3 piece crank )
This means 1.9625 / .039375 = 49.84 MM wide

B) Stock Chineese Crank for 66/80cc engines.
1.250 inches wide ( WITH WEIGHTS REMOVED )
This means 1.250 / .039375 = 31.75 MM wide

B) Puch E50 Performance Crank ( Single Speed.
173mm - 65mm - 75mm = 33mm wide
33 / 25.4 = 1.299 inches wide

However the grubee cranks are cut out to go around the bearing bosses inside the case. Thats why the crank is 1.25 inches wide without the weights (thats the space between the bearing bosses). So approximatly .025 inches will need removed from each bearing boss. And some sort of insert will need to be placed in the space left in the case where the weights normally are to bring the primary compression back up.

Next as far as the sprockett it bolts to the countershaft of the engine so we only need to worry about the clutch and the magneto. But to machine down the crank to fit 6202 bearings / the stock magneto / and the stock clutch would not be taking advantage of using the crank.

Puch carnk means a puch magneto will bolt on.....means 12v running lights......means ability to use aftermarket high performance magneto and cdi.....means a world of endless possibility. Plug and Play.....Bolt on and GO.

Puch crank means much upgraded clutches that bolt on are available.
Motobecane clutchless variators fit puch cranks......means we have the opportunity to BOLT on a very easily tunable Doppler ER3 Variator.
With that and a GY6 Rear Clutch Pully using the motobecane GY6 Rear Input Shaft for a Jackshaft and the Rear Gears to gear down. Or we can choose a Puegot or Motobecane clutch pully and use the Motobecane Pedal Crank as a Jackshaft. But note the first setup provides a Fully Variated CVT.

About the 6203 bearings no the 6202 bearings are way smaller sizes. And even the good 6202 bearings dont hold up to the engine built like this.
I cant say for sure what the diameter of the crank flywheels are until i get one but im pretty sure it will fit. The stroke will be 43mm and never exceeds the flywheel diameter. As far as how the cylinder fits the case...FourEasy put a puch top end on a chineese bottom end so i think it's possible.

Input is appreciated. The more ideas the better. It will be super cool to build this thing.
Heres a few more specs for this setup.

Mean Piston Speed
3372.705 feet per min.
Stroke length inches
1.693125 inches
Engine RPM
12000 rpm maximun

4000 ft min max 3500 ft min norm 12000 RPM MAX

Cylinder Head

OUTER RADIUS INNER RADIUS Squish band percentage
0.88804 0.622040
0.7886150 0.3869338
2.477507221 1.215588263
TOTAL SQUISH AREA = 1.261918958 50.94%

Kinda sorta i guess.

But to be specific i want an engine for a bicycle that has similar chareteristics to the puch engine. And a variated transmission.

I don't think a puch engine will fit on a bicycle frame.
I don't think a puch engine will fit on a bicycle frame.
that makes sense then.

i thought after i posted about you really want a puch.
i thought i came off prickish & that the hybrid could be pretty cool.

i do have a question. what is with the "stuff" in a "stuffed crank"?
like kevlar & & teflon, ect.
They have different stuffing. usually aluminum / or Teflon

It pushes up the primary compression and helps with flow too.