liquid cooled ht bicycle engine

will it work

  • will it cool?

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • will it blow up in a week?

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • will it run awesome?

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Re: liquid cooled ht

I have a water cooled gaming computer and the pump on it doesn't pump water near as fast as on a motorcycle/car. Also the radiator I have is a lot smaller then the ones on even pocket bikes. Although I think a electric water pump system would be interestin'...
Re: liquid cooled ht

Well my friend had a lil dirt bike I remember the radiator being about the same size as the one in my computer. Do we have specs on how fast a bike radiater pump puts out water? My cpu cooler has clear tubes and it circulates pretty darn fast and the speed I think is like 3200rpm. Well keep an open mind john the great u can get high ouput pumps and also wat about getting a bigger sized washer fluid pump from the autoparts store? Its something to think about. When I get some extra cash I might try this
Re: liquid cooled ht

thanks for the idea nate, but i have it all planned out already. actually its gonna be tit running the pump off the crank and dont see any issues with robbing power. I've been so busy with working all night and sleeping all dfay i just dont have the time. and when i do i have lots of other stuff i'm doing. the pump is 80 bucks and the argon i need is another hundo so i need to save up i'm leaving on a cruise to bermuda in 2 weeks after that it's on
Re: liquid cooled ht

Cool. Have fun on the cruise and as for the argon the auto store now sells do it urself fill kits for cheap like $60 wat about looking at that to save some bucks and get the project moving faster?
Re: liquid cooled ht

nah i rent a huge tank from airgas they just take my empty and gimme a new one. and thanks the cruise is gonna be awesome I hope
Re: liquid cooled ht

the cruise was awesome!!! cant go to theese exotic locations makes you wanna not come home. ok so I finally got argon! work will progress starting this wknd.
Re: liquid cooled ht

Water cooling by itself won't change how it runs and without other modifications will likely have less power due to the cylinder/piston clearance not tightening up if it stays cold. The whole idea behind water cooling is you can make way more horsepower per cibic inch with engine improvements and still get rid of the heat.

Re: liquid cooled ht

find some really small copper tubing or something to stick between each fin and connect them all so they could flow the water around.. that thin bendable stuff could work in just one wrap around.. might look the best but would get it done quickly...and then add your pump and radiator... and how about a double magneto and coil pack on the outside of the first one to make a generator just for the lights??? yeah like double stack them and then make a new cover...
Re: liquid cooled ht

The copper tube wrap idea is a bad one. The contact area between the tube surface and the fin surface will be so small there will be very little transfer of heat from one to the other and the tubing will block the air cooling circulation. In order for water cooling to work the water has to have direct contact with the surface it is cooling.

Re: liquid cooled ht

Water cooling by itself won't change how it runs and without other modifications will likely have less power due to the cylinder/piston clearance not tightening up if it stays cold. The whole idea behind water cooling is you can make way more horsepower per cibic inch with engine improvements and still get rid of the heat.


I have and others have road in brutal cold winter weather where these motors had plenty of power and ran good. Yes and Taco is running a custom high compression billet head.

I get the idea that the cylinder will expand less and the piston will be the only thing expanding. I mean back in the days of the wagon wheel to get the iron ring on the spoked wooden circle they had to heat it up so it would expand. Then they would immediately cool it with water. Last the ring would be solid tight as it contracted in size after cooling.
Re: liquid cooled ht

Glad this thread still lives but what happened? Did it work? Is it done? How about a update? When I used to drive up my very long hill to get home about half way up the hill my motor would over heat and lose almost all power, this would make all the difference. Cool idea! (pun intended lol)
Re: liquid cooled ht

i still need a pump the cylinder is done and it is winter, winter brings out the want to get **** done in me lol it will get done at some point sorry to keep yall waiting