questions abound!


New Member
ok so i found the manual for my motor online and it says to set the idle @ 2400rpm. how do i know where that is? also, it says to adjust the main jet to deliver at high load/high rpm. how do i give a high load at high rpm and STILL adjust the carb? it is a mitsu 41cc 2-stroke 39x34 with a max of 7k rpm. help!
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The second question is easy- tune and test, tune and test.

The first question is a little harder unless you know a shop with a tune up tach that works for a single cylinder engine.

The only other way is to use an optical tach like the ones used for model planes and then your going to have to do a bit of imaginating to get it to work....but I have done it for temporary useage.
ok thanks guys at least i get to "tune" it to idle low but consistent, right? as for the high rpm i have already gotten it close, in the last 3 hours of fiddling!!! btw i find this forum better suited to me than the " other one":o
What's so funny? :)

I can tell you what a 4cyl at 900rpms sounds like, and an inline 6 at get used to it after a while. It's not like the idle has to be EXACTLY 2400 rpms anyway :)

I know you can, I can set the ultralight engines that I work on to idle around 2000. I guess I was just being a dumbass, sorry.:crash:
Jonboy- These bicycle motor kits are a sort of primer to mechanics 101 sorta deal. They make you do the fundamentals and then you can go as far as you want from there.