EZM Q-Matic Update

In our efforts to increase the power transfer rate of the primary belt drive we recently re-designed the belt travel path.
After hours [actually days] of research with the major belt companies including Goodyear, Gates, Carlisle, & several others we learned how to reduce the transfer loss.
The accepted method to keep the belt tight was to run an idler on the backbone of the belt, however this method consumes some of the power and increases the belt temperature slightly. Our newest production Q-Matic drive [version #5] pushes the belt from the inside and helps maintain the natural shape of the belt, reduces the temperature, and increases the belt life.
After testing over 1000 miles, the belt maintains the appearance of a new belt.
Our original design was to employ a commercial/industrial V belt in the primary drive, however bending the backbone on a "notched" belt could cause cracking between the "teeth". The version #5 Q-Matic idler eliminates the stress on the inner section and allows the use of the more durable belt options.
Another important update concerns drive ratios, and all future drives shipped will include instructions detailing the need for the secondary output to be 5.6 X 1 or higher. The Q-Matic has a fixed 10 tooth sprocket on the MaxTorque and therefore the wheel sprocket needs to be a 56 tooth or larger to produce secondary ratios of 5.6 X 1 or slightly larger. The ratios can easily be changed in the primary section of the drive if more top end is desired or a quicker take off speed.
The majority of the Q-Matic drives have been installed on the Honda GXH50 or HS 142, however the drive is also the top choice for HF 79 CC motor. We stock all the special clutch weights & springs needed to make the stall speed correct for the lower RPM motors [HF, Honda, Lifan, B & S, Kohler, etc].
We are currently accepting bids to make a new cover for the drive, and expect to make a few cosmetic changes including possible color choices.

Have fun,
We are currently accepting bids to make a new cover for the drive,

Have fun,

what exactly does "accepting bids" mean in this situation

does it mean you are trying to outsource manufacturing of the covers and want people to pitch you their design idea and price?

im just confused and curious
Hi jared8783,

It means we supplied several companies the information on our drive covers and they will tell us the cost to make them for us in quanities. The vendor with the best price and quality will get the order to make the part for EZM.

Have fun,
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Well since I've moved up to the Q matic I can say that so far it is very smooth and I see no belt wear. I'm sure a choice of cover designs will please many customers.