Lil red wagon


minor bike philosopher
I have switched to larger heavier batteries. The two wheel trailers I have been using are a pain now. Not pulling them as much as moving them around. I think what I need is to build a lil red wagon on steroids.

A trailer with four wheels and a tongue like a wagon. Wheels from my scooter wheel trailers, and a tongue with a joint in it so that I can stand up and pull it around.

Have any of you guys built anything like it.

Prelim drawings.
I see the Amish pulling industrial strength "little red wagons" that would hold 500 pounds and they also have fully pneumatic tires. That might do it. They used to have those and an even heavier duty one that was a black steel mesh like a landscaping trailer.
I am giving this a lot of thought. I like the idea I'm just not sure how much it will save me. I know I can't pick up that trailer many more times. I am going to have to do something for sure. That trailer must weight near fifty pounds. Walking through my junked up shop with that thing is suicidal i think.
deacon. you never sceese to amaze me and ya i know thats spelled wrong but what you do is great, you are relentless. keep up the good work. i think yer just awsome. you should be voted mber of the decade or something, 3 cheers for the deacon!!
Just keep in mind that the heavier the trailer, the less range, more batteries, ect...hey wait a minute, why am I telling YOU this? ;)
I am giving this a lot of thought. I like the idea I'm just not sure how much it will save me. I know I can't pick up that trailer many more times. I am going to have to do something for sure. That trailer must weight near fifty pounds. Walking through my junked up shop with that thing is suicidal i think.

Take it from a guy with twin hernias :eek:, you don't want to keep lifting that trailer.
Are those identical or fraternal twins.

They're pretty much identical ... double trouble ... the terrible twosome. That's what happens when an old guy forgets his age and lifts an outboard motor into the back of a pickup ... and the motor wouldn't even start! :(
The hernia thing got me thinking I need to do something short term. So this morning, I attached a handle to the two wheel trailer I am using on what I now call the Christmas Bike. My wife paid for a junker bike I was buying as my Christmas present.

The two wheel trailer on it has three 17ah batteries and it is very heavy. It had a single long tongue leading to the non-derailleur side of the rear wheel. On that side of the bike I had mounted a "L" bracket as a trailer hitch. I used a long piece of angle iron as the trailer tongue, it it was no trouble at all to add a foot or so piece of my fence stretcher rod as a upright. On top of that I used a piece of a broken brake harp as a handle. It actually is kind of weird looking sticking up so high, but then again the whole bike looks weird.
Hey Deacon - have you ever tried a 2- or 4-wheel trailer hooked to a single point (like the seat post) so it could pivot as you went around corners? You could probably bend electric conduit so it would go up over the rear wheel - jd
actually i have two bikes with a u shaped trailer hitch hooked to each side of the rear axle. The trailer attaches in one point at the center of the rear wheel. It works fine but the one point hitch works just as well and it allows me to use the derailleur as well. I like the pull of the center hitch the bike is a little easier to steer but both are acceptable.

I don't like that seat post hitch because the trailer can really sling pretty wide if the tongue is long. At least that has been my experience with them. I tried to make one and the trailer seemed unstable but it did work. The u shaped hitch hooked to the rear axle seems to be more stable. One of the trailers I pull with it has a fifteen inch wide basket and it is about 15 inches deep as well. It is a big basket.