Speedy Wilson
New Member
I was looking around the forum, just reading and such, then out of left field it hit me. I hear all these guys talk about the range they get or lack of on an electric powered bike. My idea is to mount a GM style Delco one wire alternator onto a bike and drive it with a friction setup. Use the Juice generated to charge the battery or batteries while in motion. They are hardly any parasitic drag to turn. It has an internal regulator and come in 12 and 24 volts.Most are light and would be easy to mount up. If a car engine can idle at say 800 rpms and the ratio is about 2:1 between crank pulley and alt. pulley it would spin at 1600 rpms. Most will make about 50 to 60 amps i would think at this speed depending on output rating of the alternator. The key is to find a way for it to spin up this high from riding on the tire in a friction setup. Could use a friction drive mounted to a gearbox to spin it up faster at a slower wheel speed? I'm not that great at the math of calculating the ratios but If I had the parts I would try it just to see if it would work. If anyone has tried this or have any thoughts let me know. All great inventions started with an idea right?