BossCat's next project A Schwinn Spoiler


New Member
Schwinn Stingray(s) Choppers.

Seen these types of bikes a while back and thought that they looked really cool. I pondered and pondered about getting one. I did some browsing the other day and it seems now there as rare as hens teeth!

Well after a few days hunting I found one and bought it. The guy tells me that he payed £500 for it a few years ago. I got it for £100 plus whatever its going to cost to courier to my house?

Its a Schwinn Spoiler.


I'll get better pictures taken of it once it arrives.

The plan is to restore it and put a motor on it. I'll need to see what shape its in but it looks like I'll have a little work on my hands....

1. Forks look rusty and pitted, will need them re-chromed.
2. May strip down and get a respray done - Black bike - Gold wheels.
3. Fit more gears than the one it was born with - Strummy Archer 3 speed or Derailleur.
4. A new seat/saddle. I'd like one like this (aint it a beauty) but with a higher sissy bar.



5. Fit in an electric motor.
6. Probably tons of other odds n' ends.
7. Buy a jotter/notepad and make note of all the parts/money I spend on it, then tally it up once complete to see how much it all cost me.

I had a browse around the fourm and found one that a guy had put a strimmer/weedeater motor on....

Lottahorses Spoiler.


Lottahorses spoiler thread.

If I can get mine looking half as good as that I'll be a happy bunny :D

You forgot to put "8" on your list : obtain some tranquilizers , when all the figures from notepad is added up and read...:D
However , great project (I'm a little jealous)...
I got an email from the guy I bought the spoiler from, he tells me that....

(this is a very rare bike in the uk, as mine was one of the first to be shipped, there was also only around 500 shipped into the uk, so i have never seen another one like it).

He also sent a clearer picture of the bike...


Now I cant wait for it to arrive so I can start tinkering with it :D

Yeah Zabac70 your right I did forget No 8 on the list and No 9?

8. Tranquilizers, after adding up the figures :D
9. If its going to cost an Arm and a Leg then theres little point in restoring/modding it? As it'll be bloody hard to ride with only one arm and leg laff

I'm more than a little jealous, I can't believe you found one for a hundred bucks....Man I'd kill a fool for a spoiler(....did ya hear that anyone got a spoiler and want someone dead?) Just kidding but seriously I want a spoiler so effin bad!
BossCat, I saved all the bills for my build and added what I still need and my advise is don't do it.
You won't enjoy the bike knowing what it cost.

If ever there was a time that ignorance is bliss, this is it.

I'm gonna look for one in my area again, doubtful but now I want one bad, I don't have lots of money but I got lotsa time to spend little
I'm gonna look for one in my area again, doubtful but now I want one bad, I don't have lots of money but I got lotsa time to spend little

Try looking on Ebay thats where I got mine, there are the odd few around. I think I was lucky as mine was misspelt in the add - shwinn stingray spoiler series bycicle as oppose to Schwinn stingray spoiler series bicycle.

Keep looking TerrontheSnake, you may get lucky also.

Iv'e now setup camp behind my letterbox waiting on the postman :D

LoL, yeah I just saw a few actually one is already motorized for 500 plus 150 shipping so far. There is also another there for relatively cheap. Hmmm that student loan check better hurry up and get
Verry nice! that's an excellent base to work from!

EDIT: a buddy of mine has a spoiler i am trying to talk him out of. he wants to chop it up and turn it into a trike.
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Verry nice! that's an excellent base to work from!

EDIT: a buddy of mine has a spoiler i am trying to talk him out of. he wants to chop it up and turn it into a trike.

Hurry and talk him out of it before he chops it up. Or you could tell him that he can buy a bolt on trike kit. This one looks good with the kit...


As you can see in the picture the trike kit doesnt spoil the the spoiler so to speak. When your fed up of the trike or just want something different just unbolt the trike, stick your back wheel back on and your off.

yeah, the kit does look pretty good on it. i'll have to send him that pic.i just hope he goes kit and not the route he went with an old jesse james he destroyed by welding a rear end off a riding lawn mower on it.
Its arrived, now the hard work starts on restoration - Clean up of rusty forks - Paint job - Motor selection - Batteries - Controller etc etc

WTF's that noise?

oh its alright, its just my piggy bank groaning :D



Very Nice!! look forward to build updates on this one.

I want a set of those forks for my Stiletto!!

EDIT: Is it just me, or does it look as though the rear fender has been chopped? i recall the fenders being much longer.

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Very Nice!! look forward to build updates on this one.

I want a set of those forks for my Stiletto!!

EDIT: Is it just me, or does it look as though the rear fender has been chopped? i recall the fenders being much longer.


Yep, your right mate, the rear mudguard/fender has been bobed and the front one's missing. Iv'e had a look around but cant find any - (there rare). I may have to find the size/shape of fender(s) and have some fabrecated.

Only a little progress so far due to fanacial embarrassment :)


I swapped out the handlebars for a pair of minimoto bars I had laying around, i'll get better one's once I can afford it. A guy may! be able to get me a pair of gold ape bars Freeeee :)
Yesterday I got my mate to cut the top off the small sissy bar and weld on a couple of extensions onto it. I'll make up a backrest out of wood and get it covered.

I have also ordered some Gold braided brake cables that im awaiting.


PS. Also got the front forks cleaned up a bit, not great but a lot better that they were.
Verry nice! that's an excellent base to work from!

EDIT: a buddy of mine has a spoiler i am trying to talk him out of. he wants to chop it up and turn it into a trike.

If yer buddy still has the spoiler and wants a trike? Maybe he can make a bolt on trike kit on the cheap, have a look at the links ;)

trike kit construction - Windows Live


I think this is from the pic I already posted? The guy had painted it...
:: View topic - Spoiler Trike - finished at last...


Today I cut up some angle iron and made up a tow frame which I took around to my mate Peter's to get him to weld it up. Back home I added some paint, bolted on my towball, hooked up my push trailer (no batteries, there on recharge) and took it for a quick spin around the block, It handled ok. I'll try out the motor on my trailer tomorrow once I hook up all the wiring and recharge the batteries.



More tinkering tomorrow! Think I'll add a parcle rack and see if I use a sheet of aluminium as a full rear fender?

I recharged my trailer batteries, hooked up the bike and went for a spin.

I was impressed, it pushed the spoiler along faster than it did with my mountian bike?
I'll need to hook up a speedo and see how fast I actually go.

100 bucks for the bike is so cheap, i paid more than that for the 20in 4.25 rear rim/tires...I saw that trike before i started my
very first trike build, i have that exact pic you posted and several others i collected.

What electric setup you going with?

What electric setup you going with?


No idea yet mate as im not up on all these RC motors yet! Im looking for something with a bit of grunt to it, was wondering if this would do?


Not sure if its the same as yours or not? been a while since I read though your build thread.
