Tanaka 33 filter and cover replacement


New Member
I lost the filter box cover for my new Tanaka 33 engine. :-||

(edit: thread is long. Mowtown has the original lid and screw for $11 and $2

For now, I can borrow the one off my wife's bike, but I need to replace it or come up with a substitute.

I am thinking of something like a piece of t-shirt and a hose clamp or zip tie, but I think that will look like poo.

I thought of perhaps making my own filter box or a set of two sheet-metal plates cut to fit, which sandwich a piece of foam filter from a Briggs and Stratton mower or similar.

Any ideas or proven substitutes or DIY improvements for the Tanaka 33, post here. Thanks!

(The stock part is apparently about $25-30 !!! for a plastic filter cover and hand-screw, not even including a replacement dinky foam band filter! I like this motor for the $89 I gave for it, but Tanaka co. is way too proud of their stuff!)
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tuna can placed on top with your choice of breathable air filterish material pantyhose.with a screw going into the old hole mount

ive also considered those k and n looking small breather filters i measured one up one day for my GEBE if you shave some of the rubber off just a little it will fit right in u wont be able to choke it anymore though .( i know this is kinda vauge but i can post a pic if youd like
I like the $10 filter/choke boxes! That looks like the best answer for the thread. Does that fit Tanaka33? Scooter parts stores want $20+ for a factory filter box cover and thumb screw!
http://www.davesmotors.com/core/media/media.nl?id=12752&c=885035&h=d265fe1de020e533e2bd choke plate and rectangle filter box

I found a $2 temporary fix from Home Desperate: a 2 pack of 4mm metric screws, and a plastic "voltage divider" orange plastic plate for $.75 . I will just drill the 1 hole for the screw and dig out a washer for it, put a zip tie around the top, and carry the spare screw, till I finish a permanent solution.
http://cache.smarthome.com/images/2546.jpg orange divider thick plastic

I thought about the tomato can/ mini mac can idea too. There are several ways to go about with the stock choke plate and a can. I test fit a green bean can, with the lid conventionally removed. It fit perfectly onto the choke plate, and can use the stock foam band or do without, if screwed down well (long 4mm all thread and nut & washer required, or have to cross thread with an American all thread).

If you use the standard green bean can, drilling one small hole in the "bottom" for the long screw, and slits or holes for air entry, you can use pantyhose or other fabric or foam (I thought of washable ace bandages sewn into stretch sleeves, for easy changes, make all you want at 10 feet for $2) around the barrel of the can.

If you want to remove the choke plate and just use your hand to choke it or do without, you can easily remove the stock choke plate, and drill the can top for the 2 screw holes, and a circle of holes or a + cut, pushed into the can, for the motor intake. This looks like a classic, cheap option, that lets you use screens, panty hose, or cut sections of foam lawn mower elements. If you get a big Briggs or John Deere foam element, you can make several "sponges" and just cram one or 2 into the can.

I even saw some happytimes outfitted with "low profile" filter boxes made of plastic chewing tobacco cans and lids, a piece of window screen, and lawn mower foam filter cutouts. I guess that could work on the Tanaka.

The Tanaka 33 carb I have is kind of strange. It apparently has no hi/low screws, and has a red plastic or composite intake spacer/velocity stack, and a primer bulb. There is a set screw for the throttle return (idle).
Motorized Bicycle Elite Member

Yes, please post a pic if convenient. It might help others with the same problem. (Using Loctite on the stock screw would be best. I used fingernail polish but I guess it didn't hold. The engine vibrated a little till the tire got used a little and I guess the engine is 'broken in". Seemed about like the other one I have. I will put loctite on that one!
I thought of this on the way home: The plastic choke plate cannot support a lot of weight, so heavy junction box covers etc will not work, but a replacement could be made of a thin steel. Drill a hole wide enough to clear the tab on top of the choke plate, bend 90deg so the 2 sides will match the plastic pillars, with a vice. Measure and drill the screw hole. Paint to match. Tractor Supply co sells thin sheet metal pieces, smallest about $5.
Tuna mac sounds good for lunch tomorrow, so I will open a can and try this. Thanks.

You guys are great. Thanks for the quick responses and interest in my thread.

tuna can placed on top with your choice of breathable air filterish material pantyhose.with a screw going into the old hole mount

ive also considered those k and n looking small breather filters i measured one up one day for my GEBE if you shave some of the rubber off just a little it will fit right in u wont be able to choke it anymore though .( i know this is kinda vauge but i can post a pic if youd like
Your 33cc Tanaka should have a Walbro barrel valve type carb on it. That plastic air cleaner (pictured) from Dave's should be a direct bolt on (or near enough).


I like the $10 filter/choke boxes! That looks like the best answer for the thread. Does that fit Tanaka33? Scooter parts stores want $20+ for a factory filter box cover and thumb screw!
http://www.davesmotors.com/core/media/media.nl?id=12752&c=885035&h=d265fe1de020e533e2bd choke plate and rectangle filter box

I found a $2 temporary fix from Home Desperate: a 2 pack of 4mm metric screws, and a plastic "voltage divider" orange plastic plate for $.75 . I will just drill the 1 hole for the screw and dig out a washer for it, put a zip tie around the top, and carry the spare screw, till I finish a permanent solution.
http://cache.smarthome.com/images/2546.jpg orange divider thick plastic

I thought about the tomato can/ mini mac can idea too. There are several ways to go about with the stock choke plate and a can. I test fit a green bean can, with the lid conventionally removed. It fit perfectly onto the choke plate, and can use the stock foam band or do without, if screwed down well (long 4mm all thread and nut & washer required, or have to cross thread with an American all thread).

If you use the standard green bean can, drilling one small hole in the "bottom" for the long screw, and slits or holes for air entry, you can use pantyhose or other fabric or foam (I thought of washable ace bandages sewn into stretch sleeves, for easy changes, make all you want at 10 feet for $2) around the barrel of the can.

If you want to remove the choke plate and just use your hand to choke it or do without, you can easily remove the stock choke plate, and drill the can top for the 2 screw holes, and a circle of holes or a + cut, pushed into the can, for the motor intake. This looks like a classic, cheap option, that lets you use screens, panty hose, or cut sections of foam lawn mower elements. If you get a big Briggs or John Deere foam element, you can make several "sponges" and just cram one or 2 into the can.

I even saw some happytimes outfitted with "low profile" filter boxes made of plastic chewing tobacco cans and lids, a piece of window screen, and lawn mower foam filter cutouts. I guess that could work on the Tanaka.

The Tanaka 33 carb I have is kind of strange. It apparently has no hi/low screws, and has a red plastic or composite intake spacer/velocity stack, and a primer bulb. There is a set screw for the throttle return (idle).
These engines have "butterfly" valve carburetors (like common weedeaters or mowers).

I am going to try removing the valve plate, and just using a steel green chilis can, with a single intake hole drilled or cut in the bottom (plus 2 screw holes), and use Ace bandage and a hose clamp for the filter material. The can is small enough to choke easily with a hand, and sometimes I can cold start this ok without choke anyway. I don't really use it like on the happytime, which really needs it many mornings.

It's $8 or 9 for a Velocity Stack and $3 shipping from Daves. I'll probably get that if the chili can works well. Simplicity is worth a lot to me. Thanks guys!

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Really, I only own two PF 33cc Tanaka engines and neither one of them has a butterfly valve carb, Walbro or otherwise. Sorry, was just trying to help, enjoy your tuna.


These engines have "butterfly" valve carburetors (like common weedeaters or mowers).

I am going to try removing the valve plate, and just using a steel green chilis can, with a single intake hole drilled or cut in the bottom (plus 2 screw holes), and use Ace bandage and a hose clamp for the filter material. The can is small enough to choke easily with a hand, and sometimes I can cold start this ok without choke anyway. I don't really use it like on the happytime, which really needs it many mornings.

It's $8 or 9 for a Velocity Stack and $3 shipping from Daves. I'll probably get that if the chili can works well. Simplicity is worth a lot to me. Thanks guys!

Ok, I'll have a look and take some pictures in a little bit. It might very well be a slide type carb, it's so small. I figured it was a butterfly like most commercial trimmers I've owned, since the cable rotates a throttle arm, instead of pulling directly like a slide valve (such as the NT from happytimes). I have a spare intake tube from a happytime. While I have it apart, I will test fit that, to see if you could use a NT/speed carb on a Tanaka.
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Ok, I'll have a look and take some pictures in a little bit. It might very well be a slide type carb, it's so small. I figured it was a butterfly like most commercial trimmers I've owned, since the cable rotates a throttle arm, instead of pulling directly like a slide valve (such as the NT from happytimes). I have a spare intake tube from a happytime. Will I have it apart, I will test fit that, to see if you could use a NT/speed carb on a Tanaka.

The cable rotates the plastic arm which is part of the barrel valve, it's not a slide like an NT. The adjusting barrel at the end of the cable is your idle adjustment.

Ok, I've got it off, will post pics and video later.

Good news: the Grubee type intake manifold is a ready match for the engine, even with the red plastic "velocity stack" (stock carb spacer). So if your carb ever dies, or you want more adjustment, you can try a NT Speed carb on your Tanaka. I put an "80cc" NT on a 5hp briggs tiller engine, and it was a major improvement over the stock Briggs carb. I imagine the needle and replaceable jets will let you dial in a Tanaka 33 or 40. If you got one of these of Fleabay or Scamazon, you probably have no warranty anyway, and this can let you source "dead" engines with bad carbs for cheap.
You can also use a long hose for a intake runner if you want.

The Green Chili can looks like it will work fine. I had to flatten the bottom, from the inside, with a dowel and a hammer. Its thick enough steel you can carefully drill it with a conventional drill and small bits.
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Just so ya know.....a walbro carb is far superior to any NT or CNS china krap carb. The Briggs and Stratton......that's actually a carb on there??? Could fashion a better one out of playdough laff


Ok, I've got it off, will post pics and video later.

Good news: the Grubee type intake manifold is a ready match for the engine, even with the red plastic "velocity stack". So if your carb ever dies, or you want more adjustment, you can try a NT Speed carb on your Tanaka. I put an "80cc" NT on a 5hp briggs tiller engine, and it was a major improvement over the stock Briggs carb. I imagine the needle and replaceable jets will let you dial in a Tanaka 33 or 40. If you got one of these of Fleabay or Scamazon, you probably have no warranty anyway, and this can let you source "dead" engines with bad carbs for cheap.
You can also use a long hose for a intake runner if you want.

The Green Chili can looks like it will work fine. I had to flatten the bottom, from the inside, with a dowel and a hammer. Its thick enough steel you can carefully drill it with a conventional drill and small bits.
Here's the briggs 5 with the NT carb. I agree the Walbro is 100x better, but I like finding options for MB builders. Briggs 5hp Hor. engine RUNNING, with motor bicycle carb - YouTube

The green chile can is not rigid enough. It works, but I am not going to trust it.
I will order the Velocity stack or filter box today.

I made a foam disc out of green scrubby pad, and pushed it in the can. I also hose-clamped a piece of Ace bandage over the opening. The motor started and ran with both together, and revved easy even with both. It was loud though! I don't know if it was much louder than the stock filter box, but probably.

I put a standard can on the stock choke plate, and it does not seal well. If you used the stock foam band with it, it would be ok though. It was a little hard to get on there with it, but it would stay as long as your long bolt stayed tight, and braced well.
Fastenal has threaded rod for $1.62 that will work for this. M4-.7 x 1 Meter Threaded Rod DIN 975 Class 4.6 Plain | Fastenal Use a locknut at the carb plate, and the threaded rod becomes a stud. A wingnut and locknut or rubber washer should be sufficient. This gives you about 4" along the side of the can to wrap the Ace tape. You could use the little clips, or sew a "sock" to slip on the can. I like this option and may try it today. You have to cut your own slits in the can for air intake. I made one. It's pretty ugly, but the wrap covers the slits and the grooves, so it works, but it sure looks odd.

Thanks very much, Scotto-, for the link.
AF-Air Filters

There is a no-choke plain filter box with foam band or disc, for $6, and a choke equipped one for $10.



They have various foam bands and discs for $2.50 to $5.00.

They have various velocity stacks and choke plates for about $8 (no choke) to $20 for a stack, gasket, bolts, choke plate (machined aluminum,nice), and $11-20 for clamp on washable oiled filters.

So for the $25 and shipping Tanaka wants for the stupid box cover and thumb bolt, you can get a "pro" setup. Good deal!

That's good enough to call this thread answered, but if you have a cool home-made solution, feel free to post pics or video, of something solid and permanent.

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I tested this out. It works. I made it for $0, with stuff I already had. It starts easy, and choking is accomplished by putting a finger over the hole. It doesn't leak either. You can even kill the engine by just touching the box while it's idling. With the ace wrap it is harder to do, and you should have a killswitch anyway.
It will do till I get the Dave's parts.

Grid with photos from my adventure. No need for a video. It does the same thing as stock, same noise level.

A plastic dip can also seems to work better than the chile can (the bottom is flat, and its 1" tall so vibration isn't the same problem. The bottom sits well against the carb, and dip cans take about forever to biodegrade, so it should last you plenty long enough for junkyard motors. Plus, dip cans are free! :-)

I need a filter for the briggs engine, so I'll post the results.
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From the FB forum. Scotch pads are a bad idea for motor filters. (fiberglass with aluminum powder, quartz dust)

Michael Taylor Josh, here is the MSDS for scotch pads. You might be onto something. http://multimedia.3m.com/mws/mediawebserver?mwsId=SSSSSuUn_zu8l00x4YtenxmZMv70k17zHvu9lxtD7SSSSSS --
4 minutes ago · Like
Michael Taylor Ingredient C.A.S. No. % by Wt
Aluminum Oxide Mineral 1344-28-1 30 - 40
Filler 1317-65-3 5 - 15
Titanium Dioxide 13463-67-7 0 - 1.5
Quartz Silica 14808-60-7 0.10 - 0.12
Cured Resin Mixture 20 - 30
Nylon Fiber Mixture 15 - 25

I don't think it would hurt the engine unless the filter unravelled, or it was allowed to flap and some came off. It's really good at catching dirt. It's something to consider though, you're right.

The ace bandage is made of elastic and cotton, and even if it tears, probably would be "saved" by the hose clamp, so you could just chuck it and replace. It seemed better than the panty hose screens a lot of DIY guys were making.
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If you use a scotch pad, make sure it's the green kitchen use Heavy Duty Scour Pad. That one is food grade and does not have anything but green nylon fibers. The others have sand and quartz dust bonded on them.

If you make the snuff can filter box, with no gasket (works ok, no leaks noticeable by testing with squirt bottle of alcohol), you will have to file or sand the plastic throttle arm a little at the corner, or it might strike the box.

So far I like the little box. It chokes easy with 1 finger, and looks very minimalist. It cost me $0.
Ok, that was fun, and I like the look of the small box.

If you want the stock parts though, MowTown USA has emailed me back with these part #s

TK-4520304690 Tanaka Replacement Part #4520304690 COVER AIR CLEANER ASSY new # is 6690402
Tanaka Replacement Part #4520304690 COVER AIR CLEANER ASSY new # is 6690402

new # is 6690402
Mowtownusa Price


TK-4500702480 Tanaka Replacement Part #4500702480 BOLT CLEANER COVER new # is 6690384
Tanaka Replacement Part #4500702480 BOLT CLEANER COVER new # is 6690384

new # is 6690384
Mowtownusa Price
Order Qty(s)

The screw is 4mm-7 metric thread, if you want to use an allen socket bolt and locking washers.
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