so heres the bike im gonna use


New Member
so heres the bike frame i plan on using with my next build im not sure what model it is but its make is spechialized

so heres what i know about it its a 21inch aluminum frame with v brake mounts and thats about it was able to find a cheap doulbe walled rear slightly out of true with 8 speed hub and for the front the wheel was old but still good had smooth bearings and the only reason i bought it was it cost ten bucks for the wheel tube and tire and it was pretty much perfectly trued better than i can do it anyway for the riser i got pretty lucky and found one that comes out about six inches and the angle adjusts even further the handle bars arent anything special but they have a support bar witch should be great for future atatchments such as speedometers or light switches and stuff i aslo purchased some v brakes for front and rear i have a 8 speed shifter with built in brake lever i plan on rigging it for a dual pull after getting some ideas from this forum and well i guess thats pretty much it

picture a 66cc two stroke engine with high compression head, a cns carb ,poted billt intake , a expansion chamber muffler , a sbp shift kit ,fenders a rear bike rack and eventually a complete lighting system


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so i just ordered a engine kit today and am anticapating tearing the motor apart to make sure everything is in order and to clean up the ruff castings and maybe open up the intakes and exaust but im not sure cause most mods are for getting higher torq at higher rpms and with a shift kit i want torq at low and mid rpms any suggesting to get better mid to low power band
Good choice. Should be a hassle free install. If your down tube is oversized (diameter), you can use an automotive muffler clamp as your front motor mount.
thanks for the adise but i think itll be alright the fram is older so its got a small tube and the new kit advertized wider front mounts for the cdi too so basically people have been complaining and things have been getting done
sadly kevyleven007 i still havent got to installing my kit cause im broke basically i just need the shift kit i already have a working motor bike so im in no rush to get this thing put together untill i have everything i want