LifanCVT on Micargi Mustang


New Member
Here are the pieces parts of my next build. A Lifan 110cc CVT 4 stroke from Gio via ebay (as per civilized), exhaust pipe from PCC motors (also ebay), and triple tree fork from Pirate Cycles (can't wait till you guys start shipping your staged motors). The bike has been ordered and is shipping from Zone 8 Cycling. The bike should arrive at the end of this week. The motor arrived with the packaging worse for the wear but unharmed. An email to giovannibikes/allstarsalez_store got the missing carb, cdi, coil and miscellany on its way. The forks and stem and headset all came from Pirate Cycles and they arrived in record time and in good order. I do not think it is stated in the fork description that a disk brake mount is on the left side. I imagine the lower cone for the headset has to be pressed on (as in hydraulic press). If there is anyone with experience with these forks... please chime in.


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Man, I'm tellin' ya, that 110 is gonna scream. Looking good so far. I like the tree. Shouldn't be too hard to add a disc brake to that. Might have to drill a couple of holes and make a bracket, but it's not that hard.
Here is a pic of how I mounted my disc to a springer. Simple piece of flat bar that I grinded into submission and drilled a couple of holes, then used a couple of washers for proper alignment. It probably took about 2-3 hours to complete.


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This is fast becoming an ideal way for motorizing the Stretch Cruiser, with a horizontal chinese cloned Honda CT 70 Trail Bike / ATV !!!!

Can't wait to see your build completed!

Peace Crazy Horse.

My Greenline Stretch with Lifan 110cc



Civilized, thanks for the encouragement! YOU are the reason for this build. This idea had been fermenting in my mind, but it was your build that spurred action and the actual purchasing of "stuff". Now that I have the parts in hand, the excitement of the build is similar to my first ride on a MB. Ear to ear grinz! I intend to document this build as completely as possible to help anyone else who wants to take the plunge. Folks, just so you know, I have been pming civililzed with questions and he has been kind enough to answer everyone. This is the SPIRIT of this forum and why I enjoy being a member here.

The forks from Pirate Cycles has a disk brake bracket, (a disk brake mount is on the left side).Here is a pic of it, and the fork mounted on an aluminum Schwinn landmark. This frameset is left over from my fourth build ( I intend to use the fork off of the stretch Mustang on it, and the triple tree on the Mustang. To power the Schwinn I will use whatever Stage motor the Pirate Cycles gang has available... I wll paint it Olive drab for a military look.

I hope to do an in frame tank for the Mustang (cool stretch name later), maybe out of beaten copper sheet; then sweat soldered together. Mount the engine off center to align the sprocket (Manic Mechanic adapter to help with alignment, also from Pirate). Civilized, what is the final sprocket ratio you ended with. Any suggestion for tooth count on a rear sprocket. I do not want to go much faster than 40-45. By the way what is your top end?

How Crazy Horse! I can not wait to see yours completed!


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I'm gonna cut out the seat down tube on my Greenline Stretch Cruiser weld in the skid plate with the jackshaft all on the same plate & then mount my Lifan 110cc semi-automatic.

Once this is done I'll re-weld the seat down tube back in, or modify the seat to slide on top tube like on Brett Mavricks Custom Bobber.

Here's a couple of picks of I-Paints skid plate & jack shaft combination:




Just some things you might consider doing with your build Lincoln!

Peace Crazy Horse.
I'm glad I passed the bug! No problem with answering the pm's. I'm here to help and learn as much as I can, as everyone else is. I am really digging that front end! I started out with the engine tied to a 14t and a 10t to a 56t on the wheel. That was WAY TOO LOW. It would climb a tree if it could hold on to it and top out around 40ish. Now, I have the engine to a 10t and a 13t to a 44t on the wheel. Take off is a little weak and top end is around 54mph as per my friends following in a car. I haven't rigged up the gps yet, but I'm fairly confident in that number. I have some different sprockets to try but haven't had time.
I have a pair of triple trees and the bottom race is like any other fork race that I have dealt with, it's tight... but you shouldnt need a press. Some careful tapping should do the trick.
I'm using #41 chain from Tractor Supply. The sprockets on the engine and jackshaft are kind of wide and I didn't want to grind them down.

Oh yeah, I suggest trying a 44t on the rear wheel. It is a lot easier to change your ratio's on the jackshaft than changing the final drive sprocket on the wheel and a 44t or smaller gives you more frame clearance. After trying a 56t, 48t, and a 44t, I would start with 44t next time.
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Ok, the bke arrived this afternoon. Its pretty! The forks got tweaked during shipping, but I am going to use the triple tree fork. Just for kicks, I may put a black jet 80 just so i can ride it! And I need to get a pump with a hose to air up the tires. Those 68 spoke wheels do not have alot of space between them.


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Congrats on your new Stretch!

Your Stretch has that look if I can say it the look of a vintage bike with the factory paint!

You wasted no time getting it assembled, from the pic you can't tell that springer forks were tweaked during shipping.

I hate having anything shipped via Fedex or UPS or USPS, If possible I alway's try to get especially bicycles freight shipped via tractor-trailer. Just been my experience when shipped via tractor trailer, that I've not so far had any damage. Knock on wood!

Have fun with this build, I'm sure you will !!!!

Crazy Horse.
Here are pics with the triple tree fork and disk brake. I put 36 spoke wheels on front and rear with a 44 tooth sprocket on the rear. The tires were found by the apartment dumpster! I have test fit a Jet80 and the Lifan110. Trying to figure out chain paths and clearances. I may add a rear derailleur since the rear wheel has a 5 speed cluster on the pedal side.


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Looking nice so far. Is it still feeling like Christmas? It's gonna feel more like a job after all of those boxes pile up and you realize that all of that stuff has to go on that bike! Don't worry though. That is gonna be one slick bike and really really scary fast.
Christmas, Easter, my birthday, all of the above. I am a computer geek for the government. I hope this will not ever (never say never) feel like work. I do grin ear to ear occasionally, but it is because of my coworkers and "clientele". Here's a shot of my desk.


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Ok... long time no post. But, here are some pics of what has been taking me away from this build. The Schwinn Chopper is a $50.00 flea market find. As you can see, my girlfriend has clamed it as hers. She wants an electricbike. Also, our IRS really cleaned out my descretionary income for the month of April, BIG TIME. Guess I got to help pay for GMC/Chevy and various bank Execs salaries. I had intended to purchase a wiring harness, grips and switches, lights etc.
I did get Billet mounts from Dan's Performance Parts as suggested by RB66. Very nice mounts. The lower tube of the Mustang I thought was 1 1/2 inches in diameter; but it is 1 1/4". And just in from Pirate Cycles, Creative Engineerings Billet High Compression Head. This head is a Piece of Art! Well worth double the price. And I have not even run it on an engine. Sure looks SWEET!
Soooo, using RB66's idea of using Simpson A24 angles and muffler clamps I mounted the High Comp head engine on the stretch. Pictures tomorrow. I also found the AtomicZomie site looking for chopper ideas. If you have not given them a look; do yourself a favor and check them out @ It is ok to drool and dream. Even better to go out and wrench on bike.
As I post this, I hear the bikes rolling in for Panama Cities, Thunder Beach! There is a welder, grinder and tube bender in my future.


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Sweet. Don't let your girlfriend beat you up and take it from you, just give it to her or let her "work it off"!LOL! Have fun man. You are going to smoke her electric with your bike.
Sorry for the long delay...

@ work we are going through a Cyber Comand Readiness Inspection, a Unit Compliance Inspection, and end of contract negotiations. Not a lot of time to devote to building. Hopefully, in the next week or so, I will find out if I still have a job, and have some time to return to building. Thank you for your paitience; Stay tuned...