How to wire Chinese 2-Stroke bicycle engine


Well-Known Member
my directions were kinda vague so this is how i did it

cdi has a black wire (ground) and a blue/green wire (pos)
engine has a black wire (ground) blue/green wire(pos) and a white wire which is positive for lights ect. 6volt
kill switch has 2 wires red and black

1. connect the blue/green wire from engine to blue/green on cdi and your red wire from the kill switch all togather.

2. connect your black wire from the engine to the black wire on the cdi and the black wire from the kill switch all together.

3. insulate all the wires.

$. the white wire is for a 6v accessory such as a light. if you do not use the white wire make sure you cap and insulate it for if it touches the frame it could short out whole system.

hope this helps
Re: How to wire Chinese 2-Stroke

I wired my kill switch directly back to the engine. Just wrapped it around a bolt. I like yours better I didn't know it that ground would do it so thanks next time I need to rewire I'll change it.
Getting ready to wire in the kill switch.I see above it is suggested to:
1. connect the blue/green wire from engine to blue/green on cdi and your red wire from the kill switch all together.

2. connect your black wire from the engine to the black wire on the cdi and the black wire from the kill switch all together.

3. insulate all the wires.

How does this work to kill the engine when you still have an unbroken circuit
between cdi and engine?Forgive me if this is a stupid question. thanks,Ron
When you press the kill switch you complete the circuit before it goes to the cdi. there for it never gets there with the kill switch closed.
Been trying to get the answer to this for ages but Chinese vendor keeps re-sending the same instructions that don't help!!

My kit only has two wires from the engine: Black and White. The CDI has Black and Blue and the K/S has Black and Yellow.

All the instructions I've seen have three wires from the engine - White being redundant unless you wire a lamp.

Any help as to which goes where would be great before I send this thing to Jesus.

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Been trying to get the answer to this for ages but Chinese vendor keeps re-sending the same instructions that don't help!!

My kit only has two wires from the engine: Black and White. The CDI has Black and Blue and the K/S has Black and Yellow.

Any help much appreciated before I send this thing to Jesus.

What engine do you have? 2 cycle? 4 cycle? Brand name?
If it is a Chinese 2 stroke, the most common, something's wrong. Either the blue wire wasn't installed or it is coiled up inside the magneto cover.
Get back to us with more information so we can help you.
I've attached a wiring diagram for the 2 cycle engine but it won't help if the blue wire is not there or if you have a 4 stroke engine.


  • Wiring Diagram, 4.jpg
    Wiring Diagram, 4.jpg
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Thanks for this Tom. Don't know maker - it's YMX Zone (China) off Ebay. The engine is 2 stroke and I can't find any evidence of a blue wire having been installed under the mag cover.

Will sign in again 2morrow night (now 22.51!) but thanks again.
