New Member
i run the honda 100 and have replaced spokes 3 times this year, and decided on a new project to stop this from happening all the time, so i had the bike shop make me a new rim setup with a rear hub made fro disk brakes, now i have 6 bolt holes for a sprocket, instead of rubber mat on the spokes and compressing the spokes to mount my gears in the old style, next i took the largest size of my pedeling gears off from the right side gears, now i have a tempered sprocket that will fit the disk brake side of the hub, drilled holes along the outside of this small sprocket, went to the machine shop and had a spacer made that is 3/8 deep to move my drive sprocket closer to the spokes, took the drive sprocket and made the center hole 3 1/2 inches, drilled the holes and mounted the 2 sprockets using my machined spacer and now all the torque is applied to the hub, and the hub is distributing the load to all spokes evenly... hub was 40.00 labor to stich spokes 30.00 machine shop cut spacer and drilled holes in both sprockets and and bolted together precisionly alined for no vibrations $85.00