stolen bike


New Member
well so much for my biker gang... my bike was just stolen from my porch about an hour and a half ago. it was chained to the railing and everything. broad daylight. i need to get out of the ghetto..
anyway, atlanta area blue schwinn jaguar with a chinese 2 stroke engine.. if you see it or know anyone that has, please let me know.:(:(
All man I'm sorry to hear that neutronbomb :( That really suck's!! I found a handlebar mount alarm system that work's on motorcycles and look's like it would work great on Motorized Bike's. I'll get the info and link and post it. Do you have a pic of your bike? If you do post it, with anyluck somebody might see it. I used a electric pencil and scribed my bicycle serial number onto my motor that way if the motor ever got seperated from the bike I could ID it if it came up for sell somewhere. Keep a eye on e-bay and local newspaper and craigslist, also keep checking local police auctions, it might turn up. I also always register my bicycle with the National Bike registry.
Do not let your bike end up at a police auction

National Bike Registry - Prevent Theft: Register your bike in the NBR Database!

Handle bar mounted alarm; battery powerd,110db, 2 number security code to arm and disarm, less then 3oz

Here goes the link I hope it works, if it does not go to, go to motorcycles and click on the alarm section

Automobile, Truck & Motorcycle: Parts & Accessories
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All bike theives should be shot, they are the scum of the Earth. I really like that bike alarm, thanks for the link...Kelly
I kinda know who stole my motorcycle a couple of years back, but the local sherriff didn't even want to come out and make a report! When they finally did come out, he didn't want to get out of the car and look around....he asked me "Is the bike still on the property?" I was livid and said "What the F do you think I called you guys for, a picnic?!?" He said "If you don't calm down, I may have to arrest you for disorderly conduct."

I gave up, thank God I moved out of that county....
I kinda know who stole my motorcycle a couple of years back, but the local sherriff didn't even want to come out and make a report! When they finally did come out, he didn't want to get out of the car and look around....he asked me "Is the bike still on the property?" I was livid and said "What the F do you think I called you guys for, a picnic?!?" He said "If you don't calm down, I may have to arrest you for disorderly conduct."

I gave up, thank God I moved out of that county....

About 30 or so years ago I had Honda stolen from me.
Same story.
The thieves were related to the Chief of Police.
I'm 99.9% sure it was the step father and two brothers of the woman who hit me head on when she was drunk behind the was there way of "paying me back" for their poor Norma having to go to jail for 30 days for DUI. My daughter said she saw a loud pick-up driving back and forth that night, and then in the middle of the night, she heard a loud truck or car slow down and stop for a few minutes, then take off. They had a loud truck and drove by all the time leering at the house or anyone in the yard as their form of "intimidation". They were a bunch of inbreds who didn't have 25 teeth between the three of them and an I.Q to match.
As for the sherriff/deputies, they were just extremely lazy, over paid goobers that didn't want to do anything. I even called there a few times for an update, to see if they found it or found anything out about it, and their responce was "Wall you kin come down here an have a look at th' impound yard ta see if yer bikes here." Last year they confiscated a hundred marijuana plants from a commercial grower and within a week, somebody broke into the "evidence trailer" and took it all....inside job? I think so.
Stolen Bikes

There is a certain bond between a cowboy & his horse, and the same is true for us modern day "cowboys & motorized horses". I am developing a bond with the Kid, how he/she wants to be started, funny little noises ect. and I haven't ridden him 300 ft., I can't imagine riding at leisure on a tropical island like Cruiser. Then to have it taken away,stolen, this thing that you made. Well there might be an expensive answer-Lo-Jack makes a device for motorcycles, I'm just now looking for a dealer in the area to talk to so I'll have to get back to you on cost. I didn't keep score on building the Kid but it's close to $900.00 so it's something to think about.Happy Trails Walter F.
Re: Stolen Bikes

Here's some less expensive ideas.


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Re: Stolen Bikes

When I get home I need to search for the "ghetto scooter lojack" it uses a cheap boost mobile cell phone- about $80 and a downloaded program. you can track your bike/scooter anywhere. I saw it on a scooter list... I'll get a link this afternoon.
Re: Stolen Bikes

When I get home I need to search for the "ghetto scooter lojack" it uses a cheap boost mobile cell phone- about $80 and a downloaded program. you can track your bike/scooter anywhere. I saw it on a scooter list... I'll get a link this afternoon.

I did some research on that "ghetto lojack" and this is what i found>

Scooter FAQ

It involves a cell phone and some other stuff. Hope this helps.

Re: Stolen Bikes

here's the link I was looking for
ScootDawg Scooter Forum - Scooter Stolen? A $69 Phone could recover it!

the good thing about it is if you get 1 year of service it cost about $ 59 for the service and then you buy another $50 for the next year...

pay $80 for the new phone up front and then $50 a year? that isn't bad especially when you compare it to getting your bike stolen or to actual lojack.

I just did a quick google search for the phone that the service suggests for this and I found them on eBay from a seller with 100% positive feedback for $1 and $15 shipping. After that all you'd need to do is get the data cable $10. So $25 upfront and then $50- or so per year of service?
Re: Stolen Bikes

One of the things the Ohio BMV has been hastling me about is the fact I purchased my bike at a neighbors yard sale for $5 bucks. I spent about $60 dollars more on it fixing it up. But they want a sales receipt all official like from a store. The next hastle is the motor kit I purchased at a bike shop in the late 90's I had sitting around for ever as the internet developed to where I could find info I needed on it. Well, when I purchased it the bike store owner made me a cash as is deal. Again....he didn't want to issue a receipt either.

So, I'm left to go find someone who can make me some receipts that will pass for ligitimate. Like from a power equipment store and a bicycle shop. :-{

It will be interesting to see what they pull next. (after I provide the papers they say I have to have) The woman said they don't want to license something that "could" have been stolen at one point. I think purchasing a bicycle at a Police Auction where it is "recertified" by the Police may be a good bet.
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Stolen Red Schwinn Gainesville Florida

:-||anyone sees a red and white Schwinn around alachua county or gainesville area. please let me know or call police. I have filed a police report. It has a black tank and is a basic bike and basic kit. It is my profile picture. Thank you! JCHIGGINS
Re: Stolen Red Schwinn Gainesville Florida

I just sold another red Schwinn in Gainesville about a month ago. It doesn't have the chrome head on it though. Retired gentleman that lives out near Blues Creek off 53rd. I'll keep my eyes open.
Re: Stolen Red Schwinn Gainesville Florida

Your the second person I have heard of that has gotten their MB stolen here. You've got me worried as I am in the library on campus and my bike is outside now!

I'll keep my eyes peeled and contact you via this service if I see anything.

Could you post a larger pic so we know what to be on the lookout for?


What kind of lock did you have?