Tee Shirt Gallery


I'm going to throw them all in this gallery.

You may have seen a couple of them earlier but noobs may not see those threads. If ya got any Tee's or ideas for them....graphics or slogans...post em.




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I didn't get a chance yesterday to post everything. I also needed to get the spelling corrected. Here are a few other thoughts.


de la gente (of the people)


The blank tee shirt is for suggestions. If you see something photo text or both that you think could go on there.....let me know. If you see a tee shirt web site with neat graphics that could be made into something Riquimbili please post it.

The pin up art was from the old 40's Travel Cuba promotions like the post cards people would buy and mail back home in those years. Much of it was Art Deco with pink flamingos etc. Girls in bathing suits etc. It's just a matter of finding material to work with. So anyone who sees some of the stuff let me know.
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heh. these are great, guys! nothing like a cool T-shirt to spread that riquimbili fever :-)

i've got some ideas, but i'll have to teach myself how to post them. meanwhile, how about "Riquimbili: Ride it like you stole it!" to go with that crazed insect image?
Hey, we're cooking here.............

Good job D.J. & Uncle Kudzu.

The image of the FLY on a little Riquimbili is to suggest that "the ride's FLY" ! (implying it's cool)

Che as a Family Guy.......Wooooo ! But why not....it's about having fun with motorbikes in solidarity with others around the world who do the same. (or try to)

The revolution between your legs......about 3500 of em a minute !
(gives one cause to think)

Anyone can sign up and get Photoshop Express FREE. You use it online and it's a little more basic than Photoshop "Lite" Elements. Make tee's for Riquimbili or other bikes with patriotic themes if they like. Then, you'd be suprised at what you can do with the software that came with a scanner or digital camera too. I've shown many people what they could do with their camera/scanner software and they didn't even know they could do anything more than scann photos. They didn't know you could change the brightness/contrast/hue & saturation/crop/flip/and use all the artist tools of paintbrush/marking pen/air brush/crayon/smudge tool etc and then add text and so forth. But it's in there if you have a printer/scanner or digital camera. (more than likely)


You can even open a "new" blank page and lay out text on it, save it, and then post it on a photo site and hot link to it here. You can draw a sketch
on that sign with your mouse and do a tutorial with a gallery.

But the biggest thing is having an original idea to design around. ;)
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Anyone can sign up and get Photoshop Express FREE. You use it online and it's a little more basic than Photoshop "Lite" Elements ...Then, you'd be suprised at what you can do with the software that came with a scanner or digital camera too.

or you could download the Gnu Image Manipulation Program if you need to do some heavy lifting. the Gimp is free, open-source software.

hmmm... open-source...

Riquimbili: The Open-Source Transportation Solution?
:D LOL......you've probably seen enough of those

I'd Rather Be Flying Tee shirts.

But what would a fly rather be doing on his day off ???????

UncleKudzu.......the Gimp is a great software for FREE. I understand it's even available for Mac's now. (OS X I know of) Consider you're looking at hundreds of dollars for Photoshop. In my experience most people with Photoshop aren't using more than 10% of it's ability if at that. Those with a scanner or digital camera should look thru their software (digital darkroom) and see what kind of imaging editor they have and the tools in it. They could really make the photos they post sharp and clear and even add text or draw lines on them.

Who knows, perhaps there should be a computer how to thread here
with tips to help us better use our computers with our motorbike projects. (like for drafting, modeling a part, tweeking a photo to get it clear and clean or modifying it thru several steps, laying out text for a tuturial, etc)
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eDJ, wanted to ask you how you did your avatar and ran across this thread. 2 funny. Should add "Cats don't know its not garbage" Tshirt!