New Member
So, since I'm waiting on my new motor to arrive, I figured I'd take some time and paint the bike. Probably should've started sooner since the motor should be here tomorrow
Here was the bike before:
After I got the bike all disassembled I cleaned it up and removed the stickers and cleaned it again (boy was it dirty). unfortunately the stickers were under the clearcoat on the bike, so I had to remove them with a razor blade. I used gasoline to get the sticky gunk off that was left by the stickers.
After cleaning, I busted out the random orbit sander with some 220 grit paper. Everywhere there was a scratch or nick, I sanded down to the metal. Then using 320 grit I hand sanded the whole bike.
Shot the bike with a quick coat of primer to avoid any bare metal. Had a few drips and runs accidentally, but I'll be sanding and doing a second primer coat anyway, followed by a 600grit wetsand
Unfortunately I don't have the tools to remove the cranks or spindle. I really need to though, as the bearings need replaced - sounds like sand when you rotate the cranks...Not to mention how hard it is to get paint in certain spots with the gears on. Not sure if I'll break down and take it to the bike shop to have them removed, or just get the tools for myself or what.
I'll be using a dark gray/charcoal paint that has metalflake in it, and metal flake silver for accents. Should look pretty nice. Just realized I should start on the tank as well. Think I might use the charcoal as a base, then do some graphics with the silver.
I've never worked with metalflake paint before - you can't sand the paint without it looking bad, am I right? So I guess I'll have to do a couple smooth coats, followed by the clear, and then just do a high grit wetsand on the clear.
Well that's all for now. Hope to make some more progress this week. Pretty busy though, so I may have to put it off till the weekend
Here was the bike before:
After I got the bike all disassembled I cleaned it up and removed the stickers and cleaned it again (boy was it dirty). unfortunately the stickers were under the clearcoat on the bike, so I had to remove them with a razor blade. I used gasoline to get the sticky gunk off that was left by the stickers.
After cleaning, I busted out the random orbit sander with some 220 grit paper. Everywhere there was a scratch or nick, I sanded down to the metal. Then using 320 grit I hand sanded the whole bike.
Shot the bike with a quick coat of primer to avoid any bare metal. Had a few drips and runs accidentally, but I'll be sanding and doing a second primer coat anyway, followed by a 600grit wetsand
Unfortunately I don't have the tools to remove the cranks or spindle. I really need to though, as the bearings need replaced - sounds like sand when you rotate the cranks...Not to mention how hard it is to get paint in certain spots with the gears on. Not sure if I'll break down and take it to the bike shop to have them removed, or just get the tools for myself or what.
I'll be using a dark gray/charcoal paint that has metalflake in it, and metal flake silver for accents. Should look pretty nice. Just realized I should start on the tank as well. Think I might use the charcoal as a base, then do some graphics with the silver.
I've never worked with metalflake paint before - you can't sand the paint without it looking bad, am I right? So I guess I'll have to do a couple smooth coats, followed by the clear, and then just do a high grit wetsand on the clear.
Well that's all for now. Hope to make some more progress this week. Pretty busy though, so I may have to put it off till the weekend