Arizona Pedal Assist laws for Motorized Bicycles ARIZONA HB 28-2516


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AZ 28- 2516

An update

The killer addendum

B. This section does not prohibit a local authority from adopting an ordinance that regulates or prohibits the operation of motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles, except that a local authority shall not adopt an ordinance that requires registration and licensing of motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles.

Here is the new law

28-2516. Motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles; definition

A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title:

1. A certificate of title is not required for a motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle.

2. Registration is not required for a motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle.

3. Vehicle license tax is not imposed on a motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle.

4. A motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle is exempt from the provisions of section 28-964 relating to required equipment on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles and from the provisions of title 49, chapter 3, article 5 relating to vehicle emissions inspections.

5. A driver license is not required to operate a motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle.

6. A motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle may use rights-of-way designated for the exclusive use of bicycles.

7. A motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle is not subject to chapter 9 of this title.

B. This section does not prohibit a local authority from adopting an ordinance that regulates or prohibits the operation of motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles, except that a local authority shall not adopt an ordinance that requires registration and licensing of motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles.

C. For the purposes of this section, "motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle" means a bicycle or tricycle that is equipped with a helper motor that has a maximum piston displacement of forty-eight cubic centimeters or less, that may also be self-propelled and that is operated at speeds of less than twenty miles per hour.

Here is the link

28-2516 - Motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles; definition
that's why I made friends with the mayor and a disabled councilman (who both love how I transport the grandkids:))...
if they try to change local code, I should have at least them voting against anything banning MB's

ps...the municipal judge here likes them as well, when we (azvinnie and I) beat a coupla local code violations last year, I took my bike to court and he was oohing and aahing !!!LOL
I for the life of me, cannot understand what it is about MB's that seems to get legislators nickers in such a bunch? 25mph, 150mpg no noiser than the weed wacker or leaf blower everyother person on the block uses every week, yet they come unglued at the mear mention of one. My state is no better or worse, yet I have kids in shorts and no helmet running up and down the road all day on 4 wheelers at 60mph and nobody seems to notice. Yet when I get old 'HuffNPuff' out, they're on their porches watching me go by. Of course some old fat guy on a bike with a weedwacker motor screaming for dear life, is probably more fun to watch, but the point is I'm not hurting a damn soul. My carbon footprint from all this wouldn't fill a flipflop, so why all the fuss? Seems there's bigger fish needs fried in our capitols then MB's!

Rant over...........:-||
My 25 mile, one way commute takes me thru 6 different towns, or police jurisdictions. I really hope that none of them plan to prohibit motor bikes.
I don't get it "8" is not in the law yet. Do you know where you saw it? Can you say when it passed?

I only find the links , I do not make them.
Do your own research as I did.

A rant will follow.
I was going to print something here that would identify me . Its not going to happen!!!

Instead I will print this

I recently got interested in electric powered bicycles .
An Internal Combustion Engine KIT that can power a bicycle can be had for $30.00 fob China.
Now add bulk shipping and The rest is markup from the U.S. Distributor. about $100.00 per kit in profit.
The markup on Electric parts is equally insane.
This stuff is made in China as well. Same poor quality control.

I read someones post about a three phase ac motor that was powered by 110 volts
A three phase dishwasher motor. with a 5 kw battery and a controller.
I bit on this bait.

Guess what He misread the industrial schematic .

There is no three phase dishwasher motor available.
I can find 110 volt three phase motors .
BUT, Because of the low voltage and core inefficiencies they need lots of iron and so weigh 44 pounds.

I looked for a few days

I found an In runner style, three phase, permanent magnet rotor, 48 volt motor.

I can use a homemade battery. think flashlight .
This motor.
And the modified controller .

The battery is four years of fuel in my ICE motrized bicycles.
And costs the same as the motor and controller combined.
The motor is a common item
The controller is a bargain for what it does..

Like it or not , It looks like electric power is coming my way .

This electric motor can be incredibly frugal or incredibly powerful..
The battery would shock you its ability to be added to as necessary

I haven't even posted a picture of my happytime .
Not the gp 460 shopping machine.
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Sorrrrrrrrrrrrry eyes are old "8" is a "B"


The end is near. The AZ Legislature did a run around 28-2516 by defining motorized bicycles as mopeds.

Goes into effect Sept. 30th

31. "Moped" means a bicycle that is equipped with a helper motor if the vehicle has a maximum piston displacement of fifty cubic centimeters or less, a brake horsepower of one and one-half or less and a maximum speed of twenty-five miles per hour or less on a flat surface with less than a one per cent grade.

We will now need a driver's license to ride a motorized bike in Arizona. We will also be required to get numbered tags from the DMV.
Well that is rather intriging. Since the Law says:

C. For the purposes of this section, "motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle" means a bicycle or tricycle that is equipped with a helper motor that has a maximum piston displacement of forty-eight cubic centimeters or less, that may also be self-propelled and that is operated at speeds of less than twenty miles per hour.

The bill does not explicitly override the law. 28-2516 was not changed. So something will have to give.

Now WE need to make sure that there is a difference between a "Moped" and a "Pedal Assisted Bicycle." I now wonder what the heck a "Moped" might be.

I wonder what the folks over at Spookytooth know.
I wonder what a tag will cost.

The Senate Bill: go to 31

Format Document


28-2513. Mopeds

Notwithstanding any other provision of this title:

1. A certificate of title is not required for a moped that is registered pursuant to this chapter.

2. A number permanently affixed to the frame of the moped identifies the moped for registration purposes.

3. The director shall adopt necessary rules to provide for any tag, decal, plate or other device in lieu of a license plate otherwise required pursuant to this chapter to be attached to a moped to indicate that the moped is properly registered.

4. The license tax imposed by article IX, section 11, Constitution of Arizona, is four dollars fifty cents for each moped registered each year.

5. A moped is exempt from the provisions of section 28-964 relating to required equipment on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles and from the provisions of title 49, chapter 3, article 5 relating to vehicle emissions inspections.

6. The motor vehicle fee for registration or reregistration of a moped is five dollars. All other fees applicable to motor vehicles also apply to a moped.

7. Any class of driver license is valid for operating a moped.

8. A moped is restricted from rights-of-way designated for exclusive use by bicycles.
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The more I look at what the government means the more I come to find that this in not about our bikes. We are still covered as 28-2516. The bill was started in the senate as SB1320, HB2516 is NOT about transportation, and does not include and sneaked in stuff. (you can read HB2516 Format Document but it is not germane.) There may be another house bill but that is related but I couldn't find one.

Just keep those darn mopeds out of my bike lane. I will continue to carry ARS 28-2516 with me.
Either Torques pissed off a lot of powerful people or .

I believe this fuss is about MONEY or the lack of it.
Arizona faces a one billion dollar deficit.
The Republican controlled government refuses to cut off the wealthy crooks dragging the economy down.

The process for the state claiming property has been accelerated in Arizona .
First they
Ticket me.
Then impound my ride.
Then sell it back to me .

No jobs here folks.
No gambling here folks
Soon no more folks
Just starving Republicans. here folks

The truth could be both.

Way to go BUSH. you are still killing America.
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The Senate Bill: go to 31

Format Document


28-2513. Mopeds

Notwithstanding any other provision of this title:

1. A certificate of title is not required for a moped that is registered pursuant to this chapter.

2. A number permanently affixed to the frame of the moped identifies the moped for registration purposes.

3. The director shall adopt necessary rules to provide for any tag, decal, plate or other device in lieu of a license plate otherwise required pursuant to this chapter to be attached to a moped to indicate that the moped is properly registered.

4. The license tax imposed by article IX, section 11, Constitution of Arizona, is four dollars fifty cents for each moped registered each year.

5. A moped is exempt from the provisions of section 28-964 relating to required equipment on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles and from the provisions of title 49, chapter 3, article 5 relating to vehicle emissions inspections.

6. The motor vehicle fee for registration or reregistration of a moped is five dollars. All other fees applicable to motor vehicles also apply to a moped.

7. Any class of driver license is valid for operating a moped.

8. A moped is restricted from rights-of-way designated for exclusive use by bicycles.


Here is a page that shows Title 28, Chapter 7. Yes, that is where you have found 28-2513.

However, 28-2516 is third in line for article 15 citing, specifically, gas-powered and electric bicycles.

We gas-powered and electric bicyclists are covered under 28-2516, not 28-2513. Even being caught for going 21MPH does not mean that the vehicle in question should be default classified as a "Moped" under these guidelines. Nor does the bill explicitly say that it should.


And no matter if you're running 48cc, 66.5cc, or whatever... You are running 48cc for all intents and purposes (wink wink).

The end is *far* from near.

So, has anything really changed, or are we still OK at >20 mph? BTW is the 48 cc specification new? I thought it was 50 cc or less. If so does that mean you need to scrape the label off of a 4-cycle 50 cc? Just curious!
My eyes must be tired.
Please post the pertinent phrase.

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Arizona Revised Statutes - Title 28 Transportation - Section 28-2516 Motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles; definition

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28-2516. Motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles; definition

A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title:

1. A certificate of title is not required for a motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle.

2. Registration is not required for a motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle.

3. Vehicle license tax is not imposed on a motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle.

4. A motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle is exempt from the provisions of section 28-964 relating to required equipment on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles and from the provisions of title 49, chapter 3, article 5 relating to vehicle emissions inspections.

5. A driver license is not required to operate a motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle.

6. A motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle may use rights-of-way designated for the exclusive use of bicycles.

7. A motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle is not subject to chapter 9 of this title.

B. This section does not prohibit a local authority from adopting an ordinance that regulates or prohibits the operation of motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles, except that a local authority shall not adopt an ordinance that requires registration and licensing of motorized electric or gas powered bicycles or tricycles.

C. For the purposes of this section, "motorized electric or gas powered bicycle or tricycle" means a bicycle or tricycle that is equipped with a helper motor that has a maximum piston displacement of forty-eight cubic centimeters or less, that may also be self-propelled and that is operated at speeds of less than twenty miles per hour.

Sections: Previous 28-2483 28-2484 28-2485 28-2486 28-2487 28-2488 28-2511 28-2512 28-2513 28-2514 28-2515 28-2516 28-2531 28-2532 28-2533 Next

Last modified: April 8, 2009

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So, has anything really changed, or are we still OK at >20 mph? BTW is the 48 cc specification new? I thought it was 50 cc or less. If so does that mean you need to scrape the label off of a 4-cycle 50 cc? Just curious!

It has always been less than 50cc, I just never remember that it is 48 and not 49. So scrap that label off. Chances are the motor is really 48 anyway.
take it for what it's worth. My neighbor's wife works for the AZ Motor Vehicles Division.

She said these bikes do not require a tag/registration. Wasn't aware of any changes. (Of course, the state legislators can always change that....) :-(