Stinger silencer, fin pads and rack


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Dude....where's the rack....


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I did mine like that too Paul, but i used tubing and left every other fin open. It still quieted it down alot, but I thought that I should leave some open for airflow to cool the engine. Just a thought.......

Killer stinger!!!!!!!
If it ever gets warm here, I'll take some out.

Between the stinger and the pads, the engine is decently quiet.

The most amazing thing is the deadly stinger does not seem to effect everyday riding. I have not taken it on balls to the wall riding yet....
where'd you get that rack from? I'd like one for my bike...its nice...kinda works as a fender shield too
where'd you get that rack from? I'd like one for my bike...its nice...kinda works as a fender shield too

A buddy gave it to me. At first, I'm thinking to myself.....a rack....boy this is a sign of something...... But I actually like it. It's extremely light, but HD. I'm gonna rig some sort of box bag.

I just saw the exact rack at a bike shop yesterday. It's a Blackburn MTN-1. So I now feel like I owe my bud something in return ;):D

Blackburn / 2008 / Racks
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I love the bike - pretty much my dream machine to be honest...

but - why oh why oh why not a nice chromed tailpipe with a flare??

That would have finished it off perfectly :(

Ok, I'll stop moaning now lol

Hope it rides as good as it looks

Jemma xx
Thanks - it does ride nice. It's just quick.

Chrome tip? Good idea actually - I hadn't thought of that. I was mainly focused on noise reduction. No sure how I would do my creative juices are going!!
I made one out of 3/8ths I think brass pipe by jamming something of a suitable shape in one end of the round pipe - and beating the living daylights out of it with a hammer...

I shouldnt admit I was channelling and imagining the pipe was my consultants head.. but what the **** - it looked quite good until someone nicked the bike :(

What you could do... is get the metal from a large beer can or something similar - scribe and cut two panels out and form something that way - soldering the edges would work because the exhaust is pretty much cold by that point - it would be worth putting in a support just to make sure the thing keeps its shape... and you'd be recycling rotfl

I am getting very tempted to sell my current bike and take a risk on one of the frame mounts and that appealing jackshaft/pipe/7 speed hub combo :), but all in all it cost me over £1000 and I am not quite ready to part with it for a massive loss...

Jemma xx
I just realized - I need to post some pics of the new muffler....very quietly....:).
Very nice build, Pablo!

Figured I'd browse through some of the other builds since i have some downtime during mine.

Love how clean the shift kit goes onto that bike. Very nice!