Song stuck in my head....

Salty Gator

New Member
Hey everyone,
Please tell me I'm NOT stupid for having this song stuck in my head for two days now....but it seems to be a perfect riding song ......*Blondie*...." The Tide Is High "....think about it .....We're talking about * China Girls* here .....hmmmm?

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Born to be wild..... song almost got me a dozen speeding tickets over the years...

Easy to lose thought while hearing it huh ?....for me Debbie Harry was IT during the late 70's/early 80's...and with this song she wants to be next/now....just like our bikes do....if we only paid as much attention back then........our bikes are like jealous mistresses.....keep them lubed and in the bedroom....after riding them hard and putting them away wet.....they'll serve you well.....

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Personally, I'm stuck on, "A Horse with No Name". That's what I call my second bike.
true,,,puff the magic dragon was a favorite, even before I knew what it was about
'highway star' by deep purple was what I used to drag my chevelle to :)
ooo, it's a killer machine, it's got everything >>>:) it's on that stupid video game commercial...doesn't have same meaning to me anymore :(
I first heard the weight on the johnny cash show lol now that was a trip. some hippie chick singing it on a country and western show,
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There are SO many....timeless......this could go on forever......I'd like to keep the thread up though.....How about George...." Bad To the Bone "......* Molly Hatchett* ..."Flirtin' With Disaster".....AC/DC..." If You Want Blood"...the list goes on....LOL ( Smiles )

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