It's a bike wheel rim laced onto a modified alloy gokart wheel rim. I'm planning on doing the same only I will be using an ATV rim for the centre hub.
It's a two stroke Theon. Thanks for the offer of the parts, - I know I live too far away to take up the offer, but it's the thought that counts.I figure your talking a 4 stroke 50cc Quad?
I have a wreck here,
Could be a good choice, especially if it comes with a reverse.
Front end can be a bit rough on some of them, but ready to go sprung rear swing arm is easy, although a little heavy.
Interested to see what you do, I have LOT'S a Quad bike wrecks.
Pity your not closer, I'd donate what ever I could.
I have a longer axle that's compatible with the parts on the quad I've just ordered.Skinny mostly vegetarian,
That works at a Rodeo Bar.
I'd think about cutting and widening the axle, it's only 500mm long.
Well I hope he gets what he deserves whoever he is. I don't approve of fighting.Some one broke it for me, long story but he's looking at Grievous Bodily Harm.
I'm hopefully looking at compensation.
Got to go back to hospital and have it rebroke and plated apparently.
Today 11:06 PM
Nice Years ago when I was building a BSA three wheeler replica I took the shortcut of taking all the front wheel drive components less engine and transmission from a small car and mounting them onto the chassis I was using for the BSA. From what I remember it wasn't too difficult, it mostly involved making new mounting plates from 3/16th steel plate and welding them in place. Most of the time was spent in measuring everything to ensure the wheel alignment was correct.Without the faintest clue how to begin, I find I'm still tempted to think of a way to replicate a 1926 Tracta. Why? Three words: front wheel drive. And it still manages to look pretty cool.