What is it about motor bicycles ?


minor bike philosopher
about these bikes. You build one and when it is working, you begin thinking about enrolling the world into the clan. I seriously want to buy cheap new bikes and build them. Sell them so that this town has bikes with motors everywhere.

I said to my wife tonight. "Honey, now that I understand how to do this. Why don't I buy a room full of motors. Then I can build and sell bikes for fun and profit."

Being the voice of reason she said to me. "Right and the people who buy them will have nothing but money in them. They will have bought them from someone locally, so they won't have any problem calling you to complain. If they go home and run them without the proper care, guess who is going to be left arguing about the problems.

If they don't tighten the bolts and stuff falls off you know they will blame you. You will spend all your time repairing them for free, because it's the kind of guy you are.

So half that room full of engine will never get installed because you will be busy fixing things like that carburator you took two weeks to get right. I have no doubt you can install the next one right on the first try, but do you want to live with all the crap that goes with selling them?

I would think you would rather just ride yours and enjoy it."

Women what do they know.... er er more than I do obviously.... So even though it is like a religion I'm gonna have to pass on the missionary work my friends.
Re: What is it?

Your wife has the voice of reason.

I did buy a few kits and sell them, but I din't get rich and the market 'round here dried up pretty quick.

Still- they are an awesome expression of self and fun to "adjust".
Re: What is it?

Yes she is and I did listen, I also stopped at the local thrift store and checked out their bikes lol. I am trying to find a vaccination for the bug.