what i learned in the shop today..


minor bike philosopher
1. you can not run an e motor with a clutch backwards. Well I did know that but I wasn't sure that I remembered right, so I set it up and it didn't do anything but whine.

2. My eyes are way to bad to weld small sprockets to drive shafts.

3. It is a heck of a lot easier to spin a 350 watt motor than a 600 watt motor by hand. No wonder my bike eats up amps. I am giving some serious thought to down grading my motor for the chain drive.

4. It hurts to toss motors but I had to do it.

5. Walmart squeeze bulb horns are loud. I bought one and it is so loud my wife banned it and me from the house.
What I learned today in the shop...
Never throw away anything that you have deemed "questionable". Wait a day or three and double check it before you give up on it and toss it, you may have a fresh outlook and find that it IS fixable.

If you can't fix it the second time, consider throwing it away. :)
Deacon- I think the 600 watt motor is harder to turn due to the better magnets/winding, and that's what also makes more power...hope you didn't throw that one away.

Also, I learned today that I don't know jack about electric, so read my post with a grain of salt.
I have a couple of trash cans in my shop that don't get emptied for several weeks. Things go in things come out. The 600 watt I managed to get a straight sprocket on, no clutch so it will do for running backwards should I need one to do that.

I did buy the 450watt geared motor that goes with the bike setup stewie stripped out. I have a better controller and throttle than he does so those I am using from my own kit. At the end of the day I should have one good rhino bike with a spare engine assembly complete, and one sprocket and chain bike for rainy days. I want to try it at 24v first then go to 36v if it needs help.

I have to try a 350 motor if I find one cheap enough, just to see how it does at 36v. I think the 600 is tough enough to do 36v but I'm not all that sure about the 350 it seemed pretty light in the butt but we will see.
The 600 watt I managed to get a straight sprocket on, no clutch so it will do for running backwards should I need one to do that.
??? How do you mean "backwards"? If you can't do anything with wires (from whatever reason) , you can always flip it to another side and mount a sprocket on that side, on the rear wheel.
thats what I do with friction drive motors but with the pedal sprocket on the right side of the bike its rather hard to put a second sprocket on.

The sprocket has to be on the left side to not interfere with the pedal drive system. The motor has a clutch so it can be wired backwards. Of course not it doesnt have a clutch. Since I removed it and mounted a single sprocket no clutch on the motor but I don't trust it. I just bought the right engine and decided to put the whole thing on pretty much the way it should be done. I will be using my 36v system though.
Today I learned not to hold a sprocket in your hand while you drill it. When they jerk they do some nasty things to flesh. Fortunately it wasn't too bad just a little blood.
Deacon i went to the shop today to get a 3'' socket.I was met by a man who asked can i help you.I was then told to get out,no one is allowed to get any tools.I thanked him and left.GOOD HELP IS HARD TO GET.He called tonight to apologize and told me he did not know i owned it.