water in the clutch area???


New Member
i was bout to ride to the store when i left from the stop sign i felt the clutch slipping real bad. i turned around and got out my tools and looked 1st at the left front small sprocket where the chain goes. nuffing wrong there thought maybe it worked loose. so then i took the clutch cover off and lil bit of water came out! i was very surprised. after i dried everythang in there i cranked it up and it was ok but knew i was gonna have to so sum more to it. rode to the store and back. took the clutch cover off again and remove the plate and decide to pop 1 of the pads out. it showing signs of breaking apart so i went ahead and put new pads in (luckily i bought sum 2 weeks ago!) now shes back to normal for now. just wunder how did water git in there? its sealed in N all i keep my bike covered. i did noticed a leak in it tho and water was on my motor sumwut but figured it would dry out when the motor warmed and rode sum to air dry it. wut y'all could it been?? imma thinking it got thru the intake sumhow but if it did the motor would be spitting N popping from water being with the gas. any ideas???
If I leave my bike out in the rain, the clutch cover will be full of water! I think it might get in from the clutch bracket on the engine...
Seal and condensation,I would think water would be in a milky form if mixed w/fuel,but motor heat might have re seperated it,my guess so far or Bar's Leak for the cooling system,LOL
A small,weap hole ite size if t carb jet hole in the lower side of the clutch cover would allow the water,etc, to run out and if it blows air out the hole fast then check on putting a seal in
thanks for ya suggestions guys:) like i said it was covered that night. fixed the hole in the ole tarp since lol. shes been running like normal the last few days since. but imma keep an eye on it tho. never had it happen with other motor kits.
Sounds to me like either your have a bad gasket or your cover isn't sealing right.
If it's your cover check the mounting surface could be some casting junk on there!
Try "painting" your cover mounting surface with magic marker.
Then with a piece of 8x11" sand paper on a FLAT surface scrub the cover mounting surface back and forth in an X pattern untill the marker is gone.
This will give you a nice flat surface for the cover to seal properly!Kip.
[email protected]
Sounds to me like either your have a bad gasket or your cover isn't sealing right.
If it's your cover check the mounting surface could be some casting junk on there!
Try "painting" your cover mounting surface with magic marker.
Then with a piece of 8x11" sand paper on a FLAT surface scrub the cover mounting surface back and forth in an X pattern untill the marker is gone.
This will give you a nice flat surface for the cover to seal properly!Kip.
[email protected]

thanks man i keep that idea in mind. imma prolly take the clutch cover off again this week to look again