walker generator

Jemma Hawtrey

New Member
Everyone is worried about energy and how we make it and use it

We cant use nuclear without safety precautions (all those nasty terrorists dont'cha'know)

We dont like the idea of oil - its expensive and polluting

We arent keen on gas - really really expensive although less polluting.

So how about people?

Hydraulic pressure can be made to do work - like in a hydraulic brake or a hydraulic motor - the same is true of air pressure.

Hydraulic pressure is usually a function of some sort of pump - either a reciprocating or rotating vane type.

how about utilizing the ground pressure of people walking on a pavement or sidewalk to generate power? - the sidewalk is suspended on a layer of fluid which is setup to act so that the pressure created drives some sort of generator - maybe like a simple water wheel system at which point the fluid is recirculated to the other end of the section of sidewalk and again gains energy from the pressurisation of people moving across it. One way release valves on the pressurization side solve the flow fragmentation problem and a clear return path minimizes pumping losses...

Any thoughts?...

Jemma xx
Yes that could work in high foot traffic areas.

The same people could fabricate solar ovens (for which many links exist) and
do much of their cooking outdoors on sunny days. It would also not heat the house while the air conditioning is running) This could reduce much of the electric or gas usage by the masses.

Secondly if they built solar "snatchers" to fit to their windows they could reduce their winter heating cost and fuel consumption. These are simple solar pannels that draw cool air in off the floor and the glazed box contains a metal pannel the air draws heat from and that hot air returns into the home. Since the snatchers sit at a diagonal angle to the house once they heat up they draw in cold air via a thermo syphon action not requiring fan motors or electric.

A water tank in a glazed insulated box can heat much of the daily domestic hot water for a home also. These are conservation means for sure but it is something those at home could do to cut back on energy use while those who are in the inner city are walking on the energy generating sidewalks etc. The domestic mechanisms won't cost that much compared to the savings they could provide.
Terrorism fears should not prevent more nuclear power.

Your idea about hydraulic power is great and I think it would work if applied to the oceans to take advantage of power from wave motion.
One way release valves on the pressurization side solve the flow fragmentation problem and a clear return path minimizes pumping losses...

you know, that's part of how blood is returned to the heart via the veins, so you're working with a tried and true model there :-) below the heart, the action of muscles helps force blood upward through the veins, which have one-way valves to prevent backflow.
you know, that's part of how blood is returned to the heart via the veins, so you're working with a tried and true model there :-) below the heart, the action of muscles helps force blood upward through the veins, which have one-way valves to prevent backflow.

Thats true although I hadnt made the link until you mentioned it - it just seemed logical to me. Seems I must have learned something in A-level biology with Miss 'brain-of-a-stunned-herring' Veaney after all... The only teacher in my entire school career that was so bad she got sacked! :crash:

Re the wave motion generator. The problem with this system as opposed to the 'mega-durex' (and yes, a council spokesman did refer to it as such rotfl) design (think long thick tapering rubber pipe and a prop driven generator at the narrow end) and similar designs is that it has to be securely locked down to the sea floor and if its torn loose its knackered - the less securing a wave generator needs generally the better as there are less stresses against it...

Jemma xx
I saw a TV show about a train station in England or somewhere, that used the body heat of the crowds to heat a nearby large office building.