Viable touring E-bike?

Looks to me like a 'touring' bicycle in name only, IE: taken from an old BMW R61 motorcycle. It's just all wrong, too heavy at 90 lbs. and though it might be comfortable to motor with it would be a bear to pedal and uncomfortable as heck to do that. Clever marketing perhaps but for around town use, gotta question the 125 mi. range claim as well.
It has a 250 watt motor that uses 5 gears and says it goes 17 mph says max rider wieght is 330 lbs. Germans have a lot of hills to climb and I don't think they tend to fudge their numbers but I guess it could be hype. It does come with a money back guarantee. Ten grand price tag it oughta do something special! One thing is for sure be cool to ride the thing and find out.

Made in Munich, the 48-volt Lithium-Ion battery integrates with the 250-watt motor for a maximum speed of 17 mph, providing a 125-mile range on a single charge that enables round-trips between Nordlingen and Dinkelsbuhl on the Romantic Road. The battery can recharge 80% of its capacity in 30 minutes--plenty of time to enjoy a Radler during a rest stop. Handlebar control manages the 5-speed hub gear system to handle climbing as easily as flat cruising. The unique aluminum and carbon-fiber frame's design is taken from a 1930s BMW R61 motorcycle, bearing riders up to 330 lbs.