Hi all, considering buying a freds head as My Puch head coupled with 175 pound cranking psi tends to get hot pulling the long hills and hits about 375 degrees farenheit. I custom machined the combustion chamber for more cc's as it would have too high of a compression ratio. I have emailed fred twice but cannot seem to get the following answer: how deep from the top of the cylinder head is the counterbore where the cylinder head nuts go? I have a pretty tight frame and want an answer to see if I can sneak it it without machining. The fred head looks like it has a heck of a lot more aluminum than the puch so as to be a better heatsink coupled with a lot of surface area. also if anyone has a definitive answer what cc head are you running and what sort of temps are you running. I use my motorized bicycle a lot and did a 70 mile afternoon trip a couple of weeks ago so I built my engine with performance and reliability in mind.
Thanks for any help given.
Thanks for any help given.