turning the jug( head ) around???


New Member
is this possible? that way the exhaust exits the rear and the carb is in the front.

thanks in advance
"fine line pinstriping by WOLF"
It works great, and it makes scene the crab is in the front getting cool air. you will have to make your own exhaust but it's easier when the heads turned around..wee.
Ok,,The engine still turns the same way....question,why do you turn the piston around when rotating the jug (and head if needed)?......isn't the piston rist pin off center for the power stroke(down stroke)?
Ok...Is the rist pin off set?....I know you mark them and in car engins I thought it was for off set...and I've seen the cut out in side of the intake on these china engins on the botom of the piston,could this be done on the front side of the piston?...If the rist pin is not off set it can go on either way.
The cut out...looking in the carb port ,i've seen on one of these blogs that the piston skirt was trimed up in a slight simi-circle for better air flow from the carb.
that link that Nougat posted is my bike. the piston skirt cutout isn't why you have to turn it around, it's because the opening on the rings will hang up on the intake port.

it's a simple mod, and i love it. read my thread and it'll explain it all.
Thanks,I will go read it.(the cat danced on the key-board and it wouldn't type,so I rebooted)