Southern _Gypsy
New Member
I go by Southern _Gypsy, I live currently in San Antonio TX and have been here off and on since 2011, I have built several motorized bicycles using the kits on beach cruisers, mountain bikes, commuter bikes/ rode bikes with those skinny ass 700x28c tires. I've used kits containing 48cc,66cc,80cc, gas powered motors pedal clutch start and the electric start bullet train engines as well as using an electric start 3 speed manual clutch lifan 125cc engine jackshafted to the pedal side. I'm 52 yrs old. I've been a custom welder and Fabricator for just over 20 + years. I use a combination of new purchased materials and used but still in good safe conditions that have been recovered before they hit the landfills. I have a new project I'm currently working on sourcing parts and stuff for it but I'll post about it in a proper spot within the forum. I also wanted to say thanks to everyone that's has posted information in this forum over the years some of it has really help me and others have made me laugh and I've bit my tongue and felt wiser to just not reply. I build a lot of my projects from other people's garbage, dumpsters, curb finds. Then I buy what else I have to have that I can't source any other legal way.