Taiwan and Hong Kong


New Member
Hey guys,

Ive got a gas bike already but I took an e bike for a spin the other day when a salesman turned up at my mail box dropping off leaflets for his bike. I loved the 3 level variable assist level adjust and the auto pedal assist sensor but the price of the bike was a little out of my range. He wanted 1900 AUST for the top spec bike with upgraded suspension and disc brakes front and rear, 1700 for the single disc brake and standard suspension. Both came with a 36v 200w hub brushless rear wheel motor and 36v 17Ah Lithium battery.

Im heading over to Taiwan and Hong kong in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if any one knows of shops or suppliers over there that might be able to sell a decent bike or kit cheap? something comparable to what i just listed would be pretty much on the money for what i want it for im thinking.

buba here

hi dan
google made in china and view the site under transportation
you will be in a head spin with so many choices and options

best of luck