Successful puch head mount


I just got up from the garage, and im literally out of breath and sweating from the freaking AWESOME time I just had on my MB!!! I just finished mounting this head: to my 66cc m8 head-bolted china-girl.
Here is what I learned...
The piston will hit this head if you use only this head gasket: , so I improvised and put a stock head gasket under that, which makes the moped head gasket JUST clear the piston, only a few mm.

A tip for opening up the holes in the head for head bolts... (I am using a handheld drill) Spray the holes with oil first, then when you drill, keep the speed really high and dont push down very hard. The bit will sink through no problem.

You have to run 13mm head bolts because a 14 will not clear the fins. No problem. Sooooooooooooooooooo, results... Well it pules like crazy has so much low end its scary, and high end sounds better and feels faster. Its so much more responsive to the throttle, I love it!!! Haha I sound like a madman. Seriously my MB is 100% more awesome. This info is just concluded by buzzing my block a few times wearing flip flops, so I will probably have more info in the future about what specifically is better.

Oh and by the way im running: Dellorto SHA 15.15, 73 jet, gutted stock exhaust, ported intake manifold. xct2dance1
Proof is in the pics...


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^^ That's awesome! Great to here it has worked so well for you. I am hoping to have similar success when my Puch head arrives. I think I may have just enough room for it, my Trek frame is pretty small. But I'm sure I will shoehorn it in there somehow!

Peace, James
Hey! Moto
I just got my Puch Head 70cc Hi Hi comp head for my PK 68.5/80cc and bolt holes don't match you talked about drilling them out with hand held drill(thats all I have!) did you drill from bottom? or top of the head? and how did you keep the hole straight so that nothing is off set when you bolt it up, you've got to fill me in on everything (PLEASE!) if you click over to Board Trackers and Vintage bikes my thread title is "Blood Thrusty" and check out what I'm working with.
I also want to run the same Dellorto carb
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Wouldn't you gain extra cooling by rotating the head by 90 degrees? Seems to be the case as the pictures indicate that the fins on the top of the head are not blocked off side to side as the head is currently located. Ignore me if there is something else that caused you to orientate the head that way that I'm not aware of.
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Wouldn't you gain extra cooling by rotating the head by 90 degrees? Seems to be the case as the pictures indicate that the fins on the top of the head are not blocked off side to side as the head is currently located. Ignore me if there is something else that caused you to orientate the head that way that I'm not aware of.

head looks like it would be the same if he did that.