Steorn's Orbo - A new type of brushless DC motor I want to mod my bike with!


New Member
An Irish company named Steorn has developed a new type of DC motor that does not experience back EMF and has overunity performance.

They have posted a Youtube video about it.

Introduction to an Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction - Part 1


I would like to mod my bike with this motor.

I would love to have an electric bicycle that does not need a battery.
Whenever someone comes to you with an "over-unity device", you run. You run for the hills and you don't look back.
Whenever someone comes to you with an "over-unity device", you run. You run for the hills and you don't look back.

Especially if it has the name Steorn attached to it... That guy has been fleecing people for years from what I understand.