Skyhawk leaking oil ???Please help


New Member
Hi there i have a crank seal leaking on magneto side
Oil is coming out of magneto casing oil is driping out of the wires and leaking onto the exhast

I have taken off the rotor and it seems to be sitting out about 3mm from the face of engine
So i got a larger socket to push in the seal ...I pushed it in about 2 mm under the face of engine than i put all back together
Went for a short ride than i looked it was sitting out again arond 3 mm
Is this right for the crank seal to sit out of the face around 3 mm????

Anyway i ordered i new seal...Just a question what do you guys use around the seal????? Anything??? oil??? lock tite??? rtv silicon gasket maker????
Thanks in adavance
i dont know i just replaced a seal on the clutch side it melted to the bearing housing i didnt use anything i suppose gas resistant sealer wont really do any harm though but just on the circumrinse